

Stracciatella (from Italian "stracciato", "torn apart") is an Italian egg-drop soup usually said to be "alla Romana" ("the way it's done at Rome"), but also popular in Marche and Emilia Romagna. It is prepared by beating eggs and adding grated parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, nutmeg, and sometimes semolina, and then adding this mixture to boiling broth. The broth is set whirling first with a whisk, and the beaten egg mixture added in a slow stream to produce the "stracciatelle" ("little shreds") of cooked egg in the broth, which is clarified by the process.

In Italy, gelato with a white base and chocolate shavings is also called stracciatella or stracciatella ice, somewhat analogous to chocolate chip ice cream in North America. It is also a flavor of Lindor Truffle made by Lindt & Sprüngli Chocolate (Swiss, US and Canadian markets).

A particular kind of mozzarella (soft cheese) is also called stracciatella. Stracciatella is used as stuffing for the burrata from the Murgia region in Apuglia. It is made with torn pieces of mozzarella (hence the namer) and cream.

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