Yo-yo de-spin

Yo-yo de-spin

A yo-yo de-spin mechanism is a device used to reduce the spin of satellite, typically right after launch. It is basically two lengths of cable with weights on the ends. The cables are wrapped around the final stage and/or satellite, in the manner of a double yo-yo. When the weights are released, the spin of the rocket flings them away from the spin axis. This transfers enough angular momentum to the weights to reduce the spin of the satellite to the desired value. The weights are often released.

De-spin is needed since some final stages are spin-stabilized, and require fairly rapid rotation (perhaps 50 rpm) to keep stable during firing (See, for example, the Star 48, a solid fuel rocket motor.) After the firing, the satellite cannot be simply released, since such a spin rate is beyond the capability of the satellite attitude control to cope with. Therefore after the rocket firing but before satellite release, the yo-yo weights are used to reduce the spin rates to something the satellite can handle (often 2-5 RPM).

As an example of yo-yo de-spin, on the Dawn Mission, roughly 3 kg of weights, and 12 meter cables, reduce the initial spin rate of the 1420 kg spacecraft from 36 RPM down to 3 RPM in the other direction [ [http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/journal_9_12_07.asp Dawn Journal, 12 September 2007] ] . The relatively small weights can have such a large effect since they are far from the axis of the spin, and their effect grows as the square of the length of the cables.


Sometimes, only a single weight and cable is used. Such an arrangement is colloquially named a "yo-weight." When the final stage is a solid rocket, the stage may continue to thrust slightly even after spacecraft release. This is from residual fuel and insulation in the motor casing, outgassing even without significant combustion. In a few cases, the spent stage has rammed the payload. [Nobuaki Ishii, "Separation Motion Analysis of Sounding Rockets using Unbalanced YoYo Mechanism", The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. From this article: 'In sounding rocket experiments and a final stage of satellite insertion, when the payload section or the satellite is separated from the lower motor, collision of the motor due to the residual thrust should be avoided. Conventionally, a tumble motor (small solid rocket propellant) or Yo tumbler is utilized for the collision avoidance.'] By using one weight without a matching counterpart, the stage eventually tumbles. The tumbling motion prevents residual thrust from integrating in a single direction; instead, the stage's exhaust averages out to a much lower value over a wide range of directions.

See also

*Attitude dynamics and control
*Space debris


Cornille, H. J., Jr., [http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19620006811_1962006811.pdf A Method of Accurately Reducing the Spin Rate of a Rotating Spacecraft] , NASA Technical Note D- 1420, October 1962.

Fedor, J. V., [http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19630004528_1963004528.pdf Analytical Theory of the Stretch Yo-Yo for De-Spin of Satellites] , NASA Technical Note D-1676, April 1963.

Fedor, J. V., "Theory and Design Curves for a Yo-Yo De-Spin Mechanism for Satellites," NASA Technical Note D-708, August 1961.

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