Philip Schneider

Philip Schneider

Philip Schneider (April 23, 1947 - January 17, 1996) was an American who claimed to be a geologist and structural engineer, and who became known in the early 1990s for giving lectures about his alleged work inside top secret facilities being built by the United States government.

Exotic claims

Schneider claimed to have been working especially with the construction of military underground bases, using technologies which were deliberately being held back from the public, along with other classified technologies including alien spacecraft technology, and that he'd encountered alien life while working underground. He described a subterranean network of vast bases, several of which were many cubic miles in volume and several miles below ground, and that they all were linked in a supersonic railway network. Furthermore, he claimed that all world politics are dictated by a secret, "higher" government, or the New World Order as he called them, which has complete control over all the militaries, economies, governments, and politics of every country in the world. And this higher governmental entity is taking orders from an extraterrestrial "non-human" source which has sinister intent.

He also claimed he had been involved in a firefight with aliens at the Dulce Base that took place after they had drilled four holes and were planning to join them together using Shaped charge explosives, and Schneider claims it was his job to check the composition of the ground to suggest which type of explosives should be used, and he was doing this and went down and was surprised to find a large cavern with several large Greys. He claims a firefight broke out between special forces (Black Berets as Schneider mostly refers to them), and secret service agents, and the aliens and a large number of special forces and secret service agents were killed. 66 of them according to his lectures. Schneider also claims he was hit by an alien energy weapon that caused him to lose fingers (which can be seen missing) and also tore open his abdomen and then a black beret dragged him to safety while losing his own life.A [ lecture] given in may 1995.]

Schneider's claims earned little mainstream attention, but earned notoriety in conspiracy theory and ufo enthusiast circles.

The lectures

Two years prior to his death, Schneider resigned from his purported military employment, and went on a continuous lecturing tour talking about government cover-ups, black budgets, and UFOs. He claimed that as much as 25% of the national gross product is being used in "black budgets" to finance the secret plans Schneider exposed, that the United States government has made treaties with multiple extraterrestrial races, allowing alien abduction of livestock and humans in exchange for advanced technology. Schneider believed that a significant number (around one hundred thousand) of individuals inside the United States go missing every year as a result. [ [ The Mysterious Life and Death of Philip Schneider] ] Schneider told that the underground bases were used to "subvert the United States constitution and the bill of rights", and "help establish martial law". Schneider can be heard in his lectures that the United States government is training foreign troops to prepare for martial law on American soil when an eventual one-world-fascist-government is established. Schneider said that the New World Order (under the orders from alien beings) is planning to thin out the entire human population by 5/6th, by using man-made viruses such as AIDS, Ebola, and secretly introducing them into society.

Schneider revealed that there are a total of eleven alien species that are covertly involved politically on earth. Nine of them being malevolent, and two being harmless. He claimed that the aliens want to exterminate most of earth's population by controlling the New World Order and establish a world government because they "want the planet for themselves", and that most of the alien's races were dying, and they need human genetic material to create a hybrid race in order for their species to survive. Schneider revealed that the malevolent extraterrestrials also "want to get high off of human adrenal gland secretions" and they see humans "as food". Although Schneider never directly revealed the exact physical origins of the alien beings, he did hint that they do reside from locations within the Milky Way. And have been involved and manipulating human beings, genetically, culturally, technologically, and politcally for many thousands of years, even prehistorically.


Philip's parents were Oscar and Sally Schneider. Schneider described his father as having worked in nuclear medicine and helped design the first nuclear submarines. He also had collected artifacts which were passed onto his son. Oscar Schneider was purportedly part of nuclear weapons tests in Operation Crossroads and of the Philadelphia Experiment.Fact|date=January 2008

Attempts and threats on Schneider's life

Schneider stressed in his lectures that there had been thirteen attempts on his life shortly after the beginning of 1995. Black cars with no license plates and heavily tinted windows would ram and push his car off the road in an attempt to cause an accident that would kill him. He said he had been shot at many times by ski-masked men with automatic weapons, and had even been in hand-to-hand combat with them. Schneider claimed that he had shot and killed one of his assailants in self-defense after being shot in his shoulder. He claimed that he befriended an FBI agent, and convinced him to protect his life, but he did not name the individual likely for his protection. Schneider's life had been threatened many times, over the telephone, and by letter.

Attempted kidnapping of Schneider's daughter

Sometime during Schneider's lecture tour, an agent from the Department of Defense tried kidnapping Schneider's very young daughter, but the attempt failed because Schneider's wife held the kidnapper at gunpoint and threatened to shoot him if he did not give her her daughter back, which he complied.Fact|date=October 2008

Death and possible murder

According to Tim Swartz and Cynthia Drayer [ [ UFODigest : The Mysterious Life and Death of Philip Schneider] ] , Schneider was found dead in his Willsonville, Oregon apartment on January 17, 1996, after friends were unable to reach him. Authorities concluded Schneider had been dead for five to seven days, and initially announced a stroke as the likely cause of death. However, Schneider's ex-wife suggested he might have been murdered for exposing secret information. [Swartz and Drayer]

The later autopsy would determine the cause of death to be suffocation by the wrapping of a rubber hose round Schneider's neck, believed to be self inflicted.Fact|date=April 2008 But many Fact|date=April 2008 still insist that he was murdered by people who broke into his house, or possibly assaulted him at a different location and moved his body to his house, and strangled him to death with a rubber hose, and then hanged him by it to stage his murder to appear as if it was self-inflicted.

Schneider's wife, Cynthia A. Drayer,Fact|date=April 2008 claims she was not allowed to see his body at the morgue, due to "decomposition." She claims that the body that was autopsied was not that of Schneiders. According to the coroner's report, the body contained all ten fingers, and did not bear scars of the operations he had on his penis due to a penile infection he had years before his death. Schneider was missing fingers on his left hand due to (according to Al Bielek) injuries received from the Dulce firefight. Because of this, it would have been impossible for him to tie a rubber hose around his neck entirely by himself. It is believed by his wife and family that Schneider's body was switched with another body at the morgue. So that the medical examiner would not discover any physical evidence of foul play by examining markings and other physical abnormalities on, and in his body that would prove that he was murdered. Schneider was given a closed-casket burial. Drayer noted the ominous and unusual behavior of the police and medical personelle during the removal of Schneider's body from the apartment, and that many items from Scheider's apartment, such as supposedly alien metals, and photos of possible UFO's, were mysteriously missing.Fact|date=October 2008


* [ A Message from the ex-wife of Philip Schneider]

External links

* [ The Official Website of Phil Schneider]
* [ The Official Website of another murdered government and alien researcher, Karla Turner, who once worked with Schneider]

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