Democratic Party of Nauru
- Democratic Party of Nauru
The Democratic Party of Nauru (DPN) is a political party in the Pacific nation of Nauru.
Foundation and leadership
The Party was founded in January, 1987 by former head of state Kennan Adeang, after he had been ousted by Hammer DeRoburt for the second time in two months. The DPN succeeded the informal Nauru Party headed by Bernard Dowiyogo, which existed since the 1970s. Dowiyogo then supported the DPN in the Parliament.
Goals and influence
The most important goal of the DPN was to prevent an expansion of power of DeRoburt and to force the role of the Parliament. In 1989 DeRoburt had been ousted in a vote of no confidence by Kenos Aroi who had been supported by Adeang and his entourage, but only for four months. Adeang also is the last DPN member to have been President of Nauru (1996). Afterwards the DPN increasingly has lost influence; considering it hasn't attained a seat in the Parliament since 2000.
In 2003 the son of Kennan Adeang, David Adeang, founded the Nauru First party.
Categories: - Political parties in Nauru
- Nauru stubs
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