Luke Hansard

Luke Hansard

Luke Hansard (July 5, 1752 - October 29, 1828) was an English printer, born in St Mary's parish, Norwich, who gave his name to Hansard, the "Journals of the House of Commons" which he printed.

He was educated at Boston grammar school, and was apprenticed to Stephen White, a Norwich printer. As soon as his apprenticeship had expired Hansard started for London with only a guinea in his pocket, and became a compositor in the office of John Hughs (1703-1771), printer to the British House of Commons. In 1774 he was made a partner, and undertook almost the entire conduct of the business, which in 1800 came completely into his hands. On the admission of his sons the firm became Luke Hansard & Sons.

Among those whose friendship Hansard won in the exercise of his profession were Robert Orme, Burke and Dr Johnson; while Porson praised him as the most accurate printer of Greek.

He printed the "Journals of the House of Commons" from 1774 till his death. The promptitude and accuracy with which Hansard printed parliamentary papers were often of the greatest service to government--notably on one occasion when the proof-sheets of the report of the Secret Committee on the French Revolution were submitted to Pitt twenty-four hours after the draft had left his hands.

On the union with Ireland in 1801, the increase of parliamentary printing compelled Hansard to give up all private printing except when parliament was not sitting. He devised numerous expedients for reducing the expense of publishing the reports; and in 1805, when his workmen struck at a time of great pressure, he and his sons themselves set to work as compositors. His son Thomas Curson carried on the business.


* Evelyn Mansfield King, with J.C.Trewin, "Printer to The House", London, 1952.


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