LSP can mean:

* Label switched path
* Language for specific purposes, as in LSP dictionary
* Language service provider
* Layered service provider
* Learning support practitioner
* Lee 'Scratch' Perry Grammy award winning reggae and dub artist.
* Lee Shu Pui Hall, the largest student-hostel in Chung Chi College at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
* Leipe Straat Panterz, a Dutch band.
* Liberale Staatspartij, a former Dutch political party
* Lightest supersymmetric particle
* Line spectral pairs (or line spectrum pairs), a kind of digital representation of a filter, used in speech and sound compression because of its robustness when highly quantized. Some discussion in Linear predictive coding
* Ling-Standard Products, a fictional megacorporation
* Linkse Socialistische Partij, the Belgian section of the CWI
* Link state packet
* Linux Shell Programming
* Liskov substitution principle in object-oriented programming
* Local Service Provider
* Local Strategic Partnership, a government-inspired body intended to get local government and other bodies operating in its area working together
* Local Survivable Processor
* Logical Standby Process in Oracle Data Guard data-replication
* Logistics service provider
* Louisiana State Police
* Lunar Solar Power
* Launch Service Provider - a company which launches spacecraft

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • LSP — son las siglas de: Label Switched Path, o intercambio de rutas por etiqueta, una ruta sobre una red MPLS. Layered Service Provider, O capa de proveedor de servicio, pemite controlar el tráfico TCP/IP que tiene lugar entre la Internet y… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • LSP dictionary — A Language for Specific Purposes dictionary is a dictionary that intends to describe a variety of one or more languages used by experts within a particular subject field. The discipline that deals with LSP dictionaries is usually called… …   Wikipedia

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