

Infobox Prepared Food
name = Gazpacho

caption = Gazpacho with blended ingredients
alternate_name =
country = Spain
region = Andalusia
creator =
course = Appetiser
served = Cold
main_ingredient = Tomato
variations = Salmorejo
calories =
other =

Gazpacho is a cold Spanish tomato-based raw vegetable soup, originating in the southern region of Andalusia. Gazpacho is widely consumed throughout Spain, neighboring Portugal (where it is known as gaspacho) and parts of Latin America. Gazpacho is mostly consumed during the summer months, due to its refreshing qualities.


It descends from an ancient Andalusian liquid concoction based on a combination of stale bread, garlic, olive oil, salt, and vinegar. [ [ Cliffard A. Wright's facts about Gazpacho] Retrieved 6 July 2007.] Tomato was added to the recipe after it was brought to Europe after the Columbian Exchange which began in 1492.

Ingredients and preparation

In Andalusia, most gazpacho recipes typically include tomato, cucumber, red and green pepper, onion, garlic, soaked stale bread, fresh parsley, olive oil, Sherry Vinegar, chilled water and salt. Some may also include lemon juice and sugar.

The following is a typical method of preparing gazpacho:

# The vegetables are washed and the tomatoes, garlic and onions are peeled.
# All the vegetables and herbs are chopped and put into a large container.
# The soaked bread is then added.
# The contents of the container is then blended until liquid.
# The chilled water, olive oil, vinegar and salt is then added to taste.

Traditionally gazpacho is made by pounding the vegetables using a mortar and pestle. This method is still sometimes favoured as it helps keep the gazpacho cool.

In addition to the blended vegetable ingredients, it is also usually accompanied by different garnishes. These include the same vegetables the soup already contains, chopped up, as well as croutons and chopped hard boiled egg. [ [ King Gazpacho, Andalucia Magazine.] Retrieved 6 July 2007.] The garnishes are served in separately so the consumer can add them to the soup themselves. Sometimes, ham (e.g. "jamón serrano", "jamón ibérico", etc.) can also be found amongst the garnishes. In Extremadura, gazpacho with local ham is called "gazpacho extremeño". This time, the ham tends to be added to the soup in the kitchen prior to serving (unlike the other garnishes which are added at the table).

Gazpacho may also by served with ice cubes if it has not had enough time to chill before serving.


Gazpacho recipes can vary greatly in terms of ingredient composition, texture and viscosity. This usually depends on the geographical location as well as family traditions.

Similar cold raw soups such as salmorejo and ajoblanco, are also popular in Andalusia, although not as widespread as gazpacho.

A completely different dish to traditional gazpacho is "gazpacho manchego". As the name implies, it seems to have originated from the Spanish region of La Mancha, but it is also popular in other areas in the center and southwest of the country. Rather than a cold soup, it is a meat stew. The main ingredients are rabbit and flat bread, and may also include mushrooms.

ee also

* Vichyssoise


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