

:"For broader context, see charcuterie".A galantine is a French dish of boned stuffed meat, most commonly poultry or fish, that is poached and served cold, coated with aspic. Galantines are often stuffed with forcemeat, and pressed into a cylindrical shape. Since deboning poultry is thought of as difficult and time-consuming, this is a rather elaborate dish, which is often lavishly decorated, hence its name, connoting a presentation at table that is "galant", or urbane and sophisticated. In the later nineteenth century the technique was already attributed to the chef of the marquis de Brancas, [As in A. Kettner (pseudonym of Eneas Sweetland Dallas, "Kettner's Book of the Table: A Manual of Cookery," 1877 The old marquis de Brancas had been governor of Provence and French ambassador to Spain; at the end of the Ancien Régime his son held the sinecure of governor of Nantes ( [ "État militaire de France pour l'année 1789"] ).]

In the Middle Ages, the term "galauntine", with the same connotations of gallantry, referred instead to any of several sauces made from powdered galangal root, usually made from brown bread or fish blood with powdered cinnamon and other ingredients, strained and seasoned with salt and pepper. The dish was boiled or simmered before or after straining, depending on the recipe. The sauce was primarily used with fish. [cite book |editor=Thomas Austin |title=Two fifteenth-century cookery-books |origyear=1450 |url=;cc=cme; idno=CookBk;type=simple;rgn=div2;q1=pike%20in%20Galentyne; view=text;subview=detail;node=CookBk%3A7.3#hl2 |accessdate=2007-09-25 |year=1964 |language=Middle English |oclc=40718335 ] [PDF| [ Easy Medieval Sauces] |104 KiB ] [ [ "A Newe Boke of Olde Cokery"] ]

The extravangant hyperbole of declarations of courtly love were burlesqued by Geoffrey Chaucer:

Was nevere pik walwed in galauntine
As I in love am walwed and vwounde. [ [ Norton Anthology: Chaucer, "To Rosamond"] : "There was never a pike wallowed in galauntine sauce as I in love am wallowed and rolled". To Rosamond" ]

ee also

*head cheese
*turducken - usually a cold cut in which leg of poultry is stuffed with forced meat


* [ Peter Hertzmann on galantine]

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  • galantine — [ galɑ̃tin ] n. f. • XIIIe; altér. de galatine, lat. médiév. galatina, p. ê. var. de gelatina → gélatine ♦ Charcuterie à base de viandes blanches désossées (spécialt cochon de lait, veau, volaille) et de farce, que l on sert dans sa gelée. ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Galantine — de canard Le Galantine est un fromage de la Sarthe. La galantine est aussi une spécialité en charcuterie, composée de morceaux de viande blanche (porc, veau, volaille, gibier) dans de la gelée. Elle est servie froide. Types de galantines… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Galantine — Gal an*tine (? or ?), n. [F. galantine.] A dish of veal, chickens, or other white meat, freed from bones, tied up, boiled, and served cold. Smart. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Galantine —   [französisch, zu mittellateinisch gelata »Gefrorenes«, »Sülze«] die, / n, kalt servierte, mit Aspik überzogene, gefüllte Pastete aus Geflügel , Schlachttier , Wild oder Fischfleisch, in das eine Farce eingerollt wurde. * * * Ga|lan|ti|ne, die; …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Galantine — (fr., spr. Galangtihn), 1) Zwischengericht von fettem Hühnerfleisch u. dgl. ohne Knochen; auch 2) ein mit einer Farce von jungem Hübnerfleisch gefüllter Kalbskopf …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • galantine — [gal′ən tēn΄] n. [ME galentine < OFr < ML galatina, jelly < L gelata, fem. pp. of gelare: see GELATIN] a mold of boned, seasoned, boiled white meat, as chicken or veal, chilled and served in its own jelly or with aspic …   English World dictionary

  • Galantine — Entengalantine. Galantinen (französisch Galantines) sind üppige Zubereitungen aus ganzen, entbeinten Tieren wie Geflügel oder Frischling bzw. Teilen wie der Schulter vom Schwein, Lamm, Kalb oder Reh mit einer Farce aus Fleischwürfeln …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • galantine — galanthine ou galantine (entrée créée par le supplément) (ga lan ti n ) s. f. Voy. galanthe au Dictionnaire. •   La galantine et la primevère parent nos bois, et les violettes se baignent dans l humidité du matin, A. THEURIET Rev. des Deux Mondes …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • GALANTINE — s. f. T. de Charcuterie. Sorte de mets fait avec de la chair de dindon désossée et lardée, ou avec de la chair de veau qu on assaisonne de fines herbes et d autres ingrédients. Galantine de volaille. Manger de la galantine …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

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