Youth engagement

Youth engagement

Youth engagement is the sentiment young people feel towards a particular person, activity, place or outcome. It has been a focus of youth development, public policy and social change movements for at least forty years. [Pittman, K. (n.d.) [ "Balancing the equation: Communities supporting youth, youth supporting communities."] Forum For Youth Investment. Retrieved 9/12/07.]


A study exploring foster youth and aging out defines youth engagement as, "involving young people in the creation of their own destinies," and suggest that in social work that means "genuinely involving them in case planning and encouraging them to advocate for themselves." This sentiment was best summarized by youth who said, "Nothing about us without us. [Strangler, G.J. and Shirk, M. (2004) "On Their Own: What Happens to Kids When They Age Out of the Foster Care System." Westview Press. p 260.] The concept of youth engagement has emerged in recent years as a leading-edge, broad-based approach and best practice to meet the needs of youth, including youth at risk. It is a process that offers meaningful participation for youththat is, participation with passionand opportunities for youth to take responsibility and leadership while working in partnership with caring adults who value, respect and share power with them. [" [] Ontario Meeting the Needs of Ontario Youth] ." Trillium Foundation. Retrieved 2/6/08.] Research suggests that a supportive family background, mentors or role models, involvement in cooperative activities, cultivation of intrinsic interest, awareness of moral and political issues, and traits such as moral sensitivity and optimism are among the central factors that support youth engagement. [Michaelson, M. and Nakamura, J. (2001) "Supportive Frameworks for Youth Engagement." Jossey-Bass. p 12.] A separate study explores "the roles of adult support, a youth-friendly environment, the completion of meaningful tasks, and the learning and utilization of new skills" as key supports. [Checkoway, B. and Gutiérrez, L. (2006) "Youth Participation And Community Change." Haworth Press. p 18.] Other studies suggest that youth councils, youth-led media, youth advisory boards, youth organizing and other self-advocacy and community youth development activities are the best avenues for achieving youth engagement. [Fletcher, A. (2006) " [ Washington Youth Voice Handbook] ." CommonAction. p. 24.] Traditional activities such as youth conferences have also been cited. [Pancer, S.M., Krasnor, L.R. and Loiselle, L.D. (2002) "Youth conferences as a context for engagement," "New Directions for Youth Development. 96." p 48.] Consulting on public policy, involvement in community coalitions, involving youth in organizational decision-making, and school-based service learning have all also been cited as effective venues. [Camino, L. and Zeldin, S. (2002) "From Periphery to Center: Pathways for Youth Civic Engagement in the Day-To-Day Life of Communities," "Applied Developmental Science. 6"(4). p 213.]

Both the philosophy and activities within a program or activity need to be a "good fit" for the young people participating in them. [Larson, R., Eccles, J.S. and Mahoney, J.L. (2006) "Organized Activities as Contexts of Development: Extracurricular Activities." Routledge. p 400.] In the United States, activities and campaigns including those by the National Commission on Resources for Youth and Youth Communications have been cited for their effectiveness in engaging young people. [Pittman, K. (n.d.) [ "Balancing the equation: Communities supporting youth, youth supporting communities."] Forum For Youth Investment. Retrieved 9/12/07.]

pectra of activities

Research has identified a spectrum of approaches to youth engagement. These range from traditional programs that treat youth as clients to organizations that are led by youth and for youth. [Young Wisdom Project. (2006) " [ Making Space, Making Change.] " Movement Strategy Center. p 16. Retrieved 1/22/08.] There are also groups who foster engagement among traditionally non-involved youth by working to foster more significant youth participation outside of the program or organization itself. Other points in this spectrum can include:
* Youth-serving: The program targets youth as consumers of service
* Youth input: Youth evaluate or provide feedback on the program
* Youth-engaged: Youth are involved in program development and/or delivery and
* Youth-led: The program concept and/or organization came from youth

Each has value, and where a program or groups sits depends on the degree to which youth are engaged in the program with meaningful participation, and the degree to which the organization offering the program has policies and infrastructures to support youth involvement in a meaningful way. [" [] Ontario Meeting the Needs of Ontario Youth] ." Trillium Foundation. Retrieved 2/6/08.] [ Ilkiw, V. (2007) "Keynote Address." [ Safe Cities For Youth Conference] , Toronto, March 12, 2007. ]


A number of foundations recognize youth engagement as a best practice in programs for young people. For example, the Paul Allen Foundation promotes youth engagement as an avenue to achieving early reading proficiency, expand opportunities for experiential learning, and involve young people in addressing community needs. [ [ "Youth Engagement"] , Paul G. Allen Family Foundations. Retrieved 9/12/07.] The Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation in Canada supports youth engagement because it believes young Canadians, "already tend to think globally; take advantage of opportunities to expand their understanding of global challenges; want to contribute new ideas and perspectives to the discussion about Canadian international policy and; are creative in their use of new technologies to further their engagement in the world." [ [ "Grant Programs: Global Citizenship - Youth Engagement."] Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation. Retrieved 9/12/07.] The Ontario Trillium Foundation recognizes youth engagement as a best practice and has been developing a framework to support youth engagement in its grantmaking and encourage applications that include a youth engagement approach. [" [] Ontario Meeting the Needs of Ontario Youth] ." Trillium Foundation. Retrieved 2/6/08.]

Youth engagement has been identified as a key measure in promoting adolescent health programs. [Viner, R.M. (2005) "Young people's health: the need for action," "British Medical Journal. 330". p 901-903.] Increasing the likelihood of young people voting has also been an outcome of said programs. [Mckinney, M.S. and Banwart, M.C. (2005) "Rocking the Youth Vote Through Debate: examining the effects of a citizen versus journalist controlled debate on civic engagement," "Journalism Studies, 6"(2) p 158. ]

It is also seen as central to developing "inclusive participation" in civil society. [Camino, L. and Zeldin, S. (2002) "From Periphery to Center: Pathways for Youth Civic Engagement in the Day-To-Day Life of Communities," "Applied Developmental Science. 6"(4). p 214.] Numerous national initiatives have utilized that belief to rationalize a variety of programs, including efforts focused on civic engagement, social justice and education reform. [Pearson, S.S. and Voke, H.M. (2002) " [ Building an Effective Citizenry: Lessons Learned from Initiatives in Youth Engagement.] " American Youth Policy Forum. Retrieved 9/13/07.] In the latter field, student engagement is used to specifically address this issues within school environments. [Fletcher, A. (2005) " [ Meaningful Student Involvement Guide to Students as Partners in School Change.] " SoundOut. Retrieved 9/13/07.] Several researchers, such as Barry Checkoway, Peter Levine and Shawn Ginwright, as well as advocates including Karen Pittman and Adam Fletcher have been acknowledged for their efforts to promote youth engagement. [Pittman, K. [ "Balancing the equation: Communities supporting youth, youth supporting communities."] Forum For Youth Investment. Retrieved 9/12/07.]


Youth engagement faces a variety of obstacles. They include a "disjunction in what adults believe is important to do with young people, and what they actually do," as well as social norms that encourage youth engagement, and the presence of strong norms the discourage youth/adult partnerships.Rhodes, J.E. and Clary, E.G. (2004) "Mobilizing Adults for Positive Youth Development: Strategies for Closing Gap between Beliefs and Behaviors." Springer. p. 43. ] A historical disconnect between positive youth development and civic engagement has also been cited as a leading barrier. [Mohamed, I.A.; Wheeler, W. (2001) "Broadening the Bounds of Youth Development: Youth as Engaged Citizens." Innovation Center for Community and Youth Development. p 22.]

ee also

* Youth rights
* Youth participation


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