ISO/IEC JTC 1 is Joint Technical Committee 1 of the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and theInternational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It deals with all matters ofinformation technology .It was formed in 1987 as a merger between ISO/TC 97(Information Technology) and IEC/TC 83, with IEC//SC 47B joining later. The intent was to bring together in a single Committee the thenInformation Technology standardization activities of the two parentorganizations.
Its official mandate is to develop, maintain, promote and facilitate IT standards required by global markets meeting business and user requirements concerning
*the design and development of IT systems and tools
*the performance and quality of IT products and systems
*the security of IT systems and information
*the portability of application programs
*the interoperability of IT products and systems
*the unified tools and environments
*the harmonized IT vocabulary, and
*the user-friendly and ergonomically-designed user interfaces.Membership is open to any national body, in much the same way as membership in either of the two parent organizations. A member can be either participating (P) or observing (O) and the difference is mainly the ability to vote on proposed standards and other products. Other organisations participate as Liaison Members, some internal to ISO/IEC and some external. There is no requirement for any member body to maintain either (or any) status on all of the sub-committees. Although rare, sub-committees can be created to deal with new situations (SC 37 was approved in 2002) or disbanded if the area of work is no longer relevant.
Membership greatly expanded in August and September
2007 , just prior to the initial vote onOffice Open XML as DIS (Draft International Standard) 29500.Subcommittees
Most work is done by subcommittees dealing with a particular field. Subcommittees include:
*SC 02: Coded character sets
*SC 06: Telecommunications and information exchange between systems
*SC 07: Software and systems engineering
*SC 17: Cards and personal identification
*SC 22: Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces
*SC 23: Digitally Recorded Media for Information Interchange and Storage
*SC 24: Computer graphics, image processing and environmental data representation
*SC 25 [http://www.iec.ch/dyn/www/f?p=102:7:0::::FSP_ORG_ID:3399] : Interconnection of information technology equipment
*SC 27: IT Security techniques
*SC 28: Office equipment
*SC 29: Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information
*SC 31: Automatic identification and data capture techniques
*SC 32: Data management and interchange
*SC 34: Document description and processing languages
*SC 35: User interfaces
*SC 36: Information technology for learning, education and training
*SC 37: BiometricsSee also
List of IEC Technical Committees External links
* [http://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink/fetch/2000/2122/327993/customview.html?func=ll&objId=327993 Home page]
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