- The Sea Around Us
"The Sea Around Us" is a prize-winning 1951
bestseller byRachel Carson aboutlife in the ocean and the life of the ocean. It is the second book Carson wrote, following the well-reviewed but poor-selling "Under the Sea-Wind " (1941), and is the book that launched Carson into the public eye. Often described as "poetic", the book won both the 1952National Book Award in nonfiction and aBurroughs Medal in nature writing. [Lear, "Rachel Carson", chapters 8 and 9] The book has been translated into over thirty languages. [The [http://www.waterencyclopedia.com/Bi-Ca/Carson-Rachel.html Water Encyclopedia] claims thirty-three translations. Accessed September 13, 2007.] The book remained on the bestseller list for 86 weeks.Miller GT. 2004. "Sustaining the Earth", 6th edition. Thompson Learning, Inc. Pacific Grove, California. Chapter 9, Pages 211-216.]Carson began writing the book—which she initially planned to call "Return to the Sea"—in 1948, just after hiring
Marie Rodell as herliterary agent . [Lear, "Rachel Carson", chapter 6] Carson began by writing a single chapter (what would be "The Birth of an Island") along with a detailed outline, which Rodell used to pitch the book to publishers. In researching for the book, Carson met with a number of oceanographers to discuss current research. Carson and Rodell had little initial success with magazines as venues for the islands chapter along with a second chapter titled "Another Beachhead". In April 1949, with about a third of the chapters complete, Rodell began trying to find a publisher for the full book. By June, Carson had a contract withOxford University Press that promised completion of the manuscript by March 1, 1950. Carson continued to write and research through 1949 and into 1950, despite unexpected health and financial difficulties. Part of the research involved a trip aboard a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's ship, "Albatross III". After pushing back the completion deadline, Carson completed the manuscript in June 1950. By that time, several periodicals ("The New Yorker ", "Science Digest ", and "The Yale Review ") wanted to publish some of the chapters, as well. [Lear, "Rachel Carson", chapter 7]Much of the book (nine of fourteen chapters) was serialized in "The New Yorker", beginning on
June 2 ,1951 , and the book was published on July 2 byOxford University Press . The serialization created a very large popular response, and the book was the subject of the feature review in "The New York Times Book Review " the day before publication. One chapter ("The Birth of an Island") was published in "The Yale Review"; it won the George Westinghouse Science Writing prize from theAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science . [Lear, "Rachel Carson", chapter 8]Critical reception
After the book's release, Carson was inundated with an unexpected volume of
fan mail and media attention. She was soon the object of attention from "the literary crowd", and because of a subsequent condensation in "Reader's Digest ", a very broad general audience as well. The book sold over 250,000 copies in 1951, in addition to the condensation and excerpts published elsewhere. [Lear, "Rachel Carson", p. 223.] A movie version was filmed in 1952 and released in 1953; it won the 1953 Oscar for Best Documentary (though Carson was extremely disappointed with the script and would never sell film rights to her work again). [Lear, "Rachel Carson", chapter 10]ee also
Sea Around Us Project Notes and references
*Lear, Linda. "Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature". Henry Holt and Company, New York: 1997. ISBN 0-8050-3427-7
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.