LOTOJA, short for LOgan TO JAckson, is a USA Cycling sanctioned, road cycling race held annually on the first or second Saturday in September. The race is believed to be one of the longest single-day road cycling races in North America, if not the world and is the longest one-day race sanctioned by USA Cycling or the United States Cycling Federation.

Lotoja is pronounced "loe-tuh-juh" and starts in Logan, Utah (in the United States), travels into southeastern Idaho and finishes in Teton Village, Wyoming (a few miles northwest of Jackson, Wyoming). The current course covers 206 miles (or 332 kilometers) and includes three mountain passes. The total climbing during the race is nearly 10,000 feet with the race finishing about 1,800 feet higher than it began in Logan (4,550 feet).

2007 Edition of LOTOJA - 25th Anniversary

The 2007 race included roughly 1,400 people from 40 different states in the United States. The fastest time in the 2007 edition of the race was posted by Mark Zimbelman, a resident of Provo, Utah, who won the masters 45+ category. His time of 9:06:44 was also good for a course record with Mark Schaefer finishing less than a wheel length behind. Schaefer and Zimbelman led the race alone for the last 100 miles. The winner of the Men's Pro Category 1 and 2 race was Cameron Hoffman of Ogden, Utah with a time of 9:24:18.

External links

* [http://www.lotojaclassic.com/ LOTOJA Website]
* [http://deseretnews.com/article/1%2C5143%2C695208461%2C00.html Deseret News coverage of the 2007 race]
* [http://www.flickr.com/photos/michaelvaughan/2591503855/ Video of 2007 finish line sprint]
* [http://www.milliseconds.com/Results.php 2007 Milliseconds Sports LOTOJA Results]
* [http://hjnews.townnews.com/articles/2007/09/11/sports/sports02.txt Herald Journal article on the 2007 race]
* [http://nn.byu.edu/story.cfm/65419 BYU Newsnet article on the 2007 race]

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