Alternate versions of Kitty Pryde

Alternate versions of Kitty Pryde

copyedit=December 2007
in-universe=December 2007

In addition to her mainstream incarnation, Kitty Pryde has had been depicted in other fictional universes.

Age of Apocalypse

In the Age of Apocalypse reality, Kitty grows up under harsh circumstances and her nature reflects it. She has short hair, tight clothes, and is a chain smoker. Her parents were killed in the Chicago Cullings, and she was forcibly recruited into Apocalypse's army, but is later rescued by Colossus. Magneto puts Shadowcat under Weapon X's training, hoping to turn her into the X-Men's assassin (she's given a set of retractable artificial claws around each wrist to better imitate her teacher's fighting style). After the fallout between Colossus and Magneto, Shadowcat sides with Colossus, whom she had married. Instead of leaving the fight against Apocalypse altogether, the couple become the teachers of Generation Next. The two submit their trainees to harsh situations, giving them little comfort despite the fact that Shadowcat is close to the age of her students.

Shadowcat assists the team in rescuing Illyana Rasputin from the Seattle Core and, at Colossus' behest, abandons her students after Illyana is saved. She is killed by Colossus in his ruthless obsession to protect his sister Illyana; coming between an enraged Colossus and his endangered sister, Shadowcat never believed he would harm her.

Days of Future Past

In the Days of Future Past timeline (Earth-811), Shadowcat goes by the name Kate Pryde. Kate attempts to go back in time to prevent the assassination of Senator Robert Kelly by Mystique and the Brotherhood of Mutants. She succeeds, only to create a separate timeline where the events of her past still came to pass. After returning to her own time, Kate helps Rachel Summers escape back to the timeline she just created. Captured by Sentinels, Kate escapes by phasing through her inhibitor collar and falling into a time warp, causing her to merge with the Sentinel that was scanning her, and arrives in the timeline Rachel is inhabiting. Kate’s mind settles in a small, metal, off-spherical body and becomes known as Widget. After a few adventures in that timeline, Widget/Kate regains her memory and returns to her original timeline where she is able to reprogram the ruling Sentinels to protect life, ending their tyranny.

Earth X

In "Earth X" it is revealed in the Appendix (of issue Six) that Kitty Pryde is killed saving Colossus while he could not shift into his metal form. Instead of phasing the bullet through her, she heroically takes the bullet and is killed.


A version of Kitty Pryde codenamed Cat has appeared in Exiles #96. She is younger than her Earth 616 counterpart. She has the appearance and powers of the normal Shadowcat although she wears a different costume. She also seems to be very intelligent, just like her 616 counterpart. She helps Psylocke defeat Doom's soldiers, who have invaded the Panoptichron, in issue #98. In the next issue, she helps retrieve Blink, Morph, and Sabretooth from being scattered across the multiverse. She now seems to be the computer expert for the team. She is now a full member of the Exiles although she hasn't revealed her true origin to her team mates.Prior to her joining the Exiles, this version of Kitty had been recruited by Emma Frost, as one of the core agents of the Hellfire Club's strike force. [New Exiles #12]

There has been another version of Kitty that appeared in the King Hyperion story arc (Exiles #38-40). She had survived an attack on the X-Mansion by the Sentinels. The Colossus from her universe had been killed in the attack, but she had the same feelings towards Weapon X's Colossus even though he wasn't her Colossus. The two eventually fell in love with each other. Unfortuantely this did not last since she died with Colossus when they were shot out into the empty vacuum of space by Hyperion.

House of M

When the Scarlet Witch altered reality in the 616 Universe, creating the reality known as House of M where mutants were the dominant population, Kitty Pryde was a teacher in a public middle school in Cincinnati, Ohio. Like many of the heroes of Earth 616, she is reminded of the true reality by Layla Miller and recruited in the fight to restore reality.


In the limited series "Magik (Illyana and Storm)", an alternate reality Kitty renames herself "Cat" after she is mutated by the demonic sorcerer Belasco into a more feline form, with cat eyes, whiskers, a tail, and enhanced physical abilities and senses. Trapped in Belasco's Limbo, Cat takes a militant bent towards defeating the sorcerer, eschewing the magic that her reality's Storm embraces, instead turning to skills in swordplay and physical combat. She tries to save the Illyana Rasputin of Earth-616 from corruption through magic by taking Illyana into the wilderness of Limbo and teaching the child to fight and survive. Like the Kitty Pryde of Earth-616 eventually would, Cat became Illyana's best friend, but more in the role of an older sister due to the difference in their ages. Cat's plan goes awry when the pair's attempt to confront Belasco fails (at the cost of the life of an enslaved Nightcrawler); Illyana falls under Belasco's influence and Cat is further transformed towards a feline bent, with a semi-animalistic mind completely loyal to Belasco. Cat is eventually slain by Illyana when Belasco sets Cat upon his rebellious apprentice; facing death at Cat's hands and knowing that, deep down, a part of Kitty still exists and hates her enslavement, Illyana broke Cat's neck in self-defense. Long after Illyana overthrows Belasco, escapes Limbo, and becomes a member of the junior X-Men team known as the New Mutants, Cat's remains are found by the team in Limbo's throne room. By then she had completely decomposed to a skeleton. Illyana, facing a rebellion of Limbo's demon population that threatened to overrun Earth, smashed Cat's skull in rage over the demonic taint that Belasco left on her soul, and frustration over the horrible choice she had to make to kill Cat.

Marvel Zombies

Kitty is briefly shown in the background as a zombie in Ultimate Fantastic Four #23. She is also seen in "Marvel Zombies: Dead Days", when zombie Alpha Flight attack the X-Men. It is unknown how she becomes infected.

Mutant X

Storm had been taken by the vampire Dracula and unlike Earth 616, she does not return. Kitty goes off to battle her, either to save or kill her. Kitty slays several vampires in the way but Storm proves too much for her and Kitty becomes her unwilling slave for some time.

She later shows up as the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club.

Lightning Force

In the reality of Earth-597, an alternate universe where World War II was won by Nazi Germany, Kitty is forced to serve as Shadowcat alongside Nightcrawler, Meggan, and Hauptmann Englande as a member of the Lightning Force (a version of Excalibur), made a virtual slave because of her Jewish heritage. She leads a sad existence, and is easily identified by her shaved head and the Star of David tattooed on her forehead. It is indicated, from her own statements and those made by her reality's counterpart of Moira MacTaggert, that this Shadowcat is a true ghost, raised from the dead by a combination of science and magic and bound to serve the Nazi regime. This Shadowcat had the added ability to disrupt life force with her phasing power, knocking her victims unconscious, much like how her counterpart in the "prime" Marvel Universe (Earth-616) can disrupt technology that she phases through. She is also able to alter her facial features to a "demonic" aspect when attacking, and also in response to aggressive, commanding behavior from her superiors.

Pirate Kitty

In "Uncanny X-Men #153" Kitty tells Illyana a bedtime story and casts herself as Pirate Kitty Pryde. She operated in and around the fictional city of Nhu Yorkh. She was also the Captain of the Abdul Alhazred. Unlike her mainstream counterpart she did not have any mutant powers. She wore a classic pirate outfit which also included her Star of David necklace. She was also sometimes known as Colleen. Kitty was good friends of her version of Colossus, the Bamfs (Nightcrawler), Windrider (Storm}, the Mean, the "Fiend-with-no-name" (Wolverine) and Lockheed (an alternate version of the X-Jet). Kitty also helped her versions of Professor X and Cyclops capture and cure that universe's version of Dark Phoenix.

At first she was only a fairy tale character, but in "Nightcrawler (First Series) #3-4" it is revealed that her fairy tale is actually an alternate universe. In fact, several members of this universe, the Bamfs, would come to Earth 616. Kitty helped Nightcrawler defeat Shagreen, and she also met the World 616 versions of Nightcrawler, Lockheed and herself. Her current whereabouts and activities after the "Nightcrawler Limited Series" is unknown.

Professor W's X-Men

In the Native universe of the Exiles member Nocturne, Kitty is a senior member of the X-Men led by Nightcrawler. She is a teacher and TJ referred to her as Aunt Kate. But during a fight with Apocalypse Kitty gets exposed to a machine that reverted her to a younger stage of her life where she had only been with the X-Men a few weeks. Nocturne helped Kitty fit into the school and became her best friend. She also proved useful in the fight against the Brotherhood led by Cyclops.

Ultimate Shadowcat

The Ultimate version of Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde) first appears as a 14 year-old girl in Ultimate X-Men #21. Kitty’s mother, worried about Kitty’s mutation, seeks help from Professor Charles Xavier. Kitty becomes a student at Xavier’s school, when her mother allows her to attend under the condition she does not take part in any X-Men missions, nor train in any "Danger Room." Kitty soon rebels against this and joins the X-Men as their youngest member. She idolizes Spider-Man and had a crush on him before she even met him or saw what he looked like under the mask. She is also Jewish and wears the Star of David around her neck.

Kitty dates Bobby Drake for a short time but when she discovers that he has been keeping in touch with his former girlfriend (Rogue), Kitty is furious and punches him in the stomach before dumping him. Feeling lonely and isolated from her peers at the X-Men, Kitty calls Peter Parker and soon begins a relationship with him. She starts fighting crime alongside Peter’s alter ego Spider-Man, but wears a different costume so that she and Peter can also be seen together in public without revealing his secret identity. A television program has revealed to the world that Spider-Man and Shadowcat are a couple, thus making it harder for the two to date. After an encounter with vampires, Peter confides in Mary Jane Watson which makes Kitty jealous and angry. When Kitty learns of trouble in Queens involving Mary Jane, she demands that the X-Men head over there to help. Upon learning that Peter's Aunt May had a heart attack and now knows his identity, she demands that Xavier wipe it from May's mind. He refuses and the enraged Kitty declares that she hates him before running off. At the conclusion of "Ultimate Spider-Man" #105 she witnesses Peter kissing Mary Jane, leaving her shocked and more alone than ever. In "Ultimate X-Men" #79, after Xavier's death she was seen packing her belongings and preparing to move back in with her mother at Queens, which happens to be Peter's neighborhood. This occurs in "Ultimate Spider-Man" #106, where she enrolls in Midtown High School and Peter still had not told her that he wanted to break up.

"Ultimate Spider-Man" #112 shows Kitty Pryde with a new super hero costume. The new costume has a more cat-like motif, with an eyeless mask featuring a pair of ears. The issue's new art also brings a possible relationship with the Ultimate Marvel exclusive character Kenny McFarlane. She assists Peter with stopping Electro, but at this point, is still upset with Peter. Its also shown that Kitty can walk on air like her mainstream after saving him from a near death experience while fighting the Green Goblin. During this arc, the two finally reconciled. Kitty seems to be a major part of the new arc: Spiderman and his Amazing Friends since Iceman and Kitty were once dating. There is a conflict between the Ultimate X-men and Ultimate Spiderman about Kitty´s decision to leaving the X-men, Kitty willingly leaves the mansion in Ultimate X-men but comments in Ultimate Spider-man that how come she is not accepted in the X-men while Liz Allen is.

According to the Official Handbook of the Ultimate Marvel Universe #2, the Ultimate Kitty Pryde does not have a genius IQ. This may have been incorrect or may be retconned later, as it has been implied that she has a high prowess with technology (much like the "Earth 616" Kitty Pryde). More recently, in "Ultimate Spider-Man" #115, she is shown struggling with high school-level calculus, but notes that part of her difficulty comes from the "curriculum" at Xavier's School focusing far more on training with superhuman abilities than on primary education.

What If

*In "What if (2nd Series) #6" "What If the X-Men had Lost Inferno?", Kitty is one of the last eight remaining superheroes on the planet. She is slain by a demonic Wolverine, but her death made Wolverine come to his senses and he fights against Baron Mordo, who had joined up with the demon hordes.

*In , Kitty is the only hero left to kill a Hydra-programmed Wolverine after he has taken down the Marvel Universe. Kitty loses her left arm phasing it through Wolverine's brain.


An X-Baby version of Shadowcat appears briefly in the Pint sized X-Babies one shot comic. She is wearing her original costume and is younger than the other X Babies. She is named as Shadowkitty rather than Shadowcat or Kitty Pryde. She also doesn't seem to have a strong bond with the X-Baby version of Lockheed.

X-Men: The End

In the "" future, Kitty Pryde becomes the mayor of Chicago and then President of the USA. She has three children with an unnamed partner.


*In "Excalibur" #103, we see many alternative versions of Shadowcat. Many of these are ones that have appeared in other comics, such as Age of Apocalypse, but there was also one of her as a Phalanx convert, a sex dominatrix, a homeless person, a Nun, and a normal person who owns an Olde Curiosity Shoppe.

* In "New Mutants" #63 Illyana (Magik) along with Lockheed gets trapped on an alien spaceship that has been invaded by a Brood Queen. On this ship the Brood Queen created clones of the X-Men including Kitty. This one had the Ariel suit on, but it was instead green, not the classic blue costume. These X-Men are implanted with Brood eggs. Her memories were altered by the Brood Queen like the other X-Men. But eventually they rebelled against her and are free. Illyana uses the soulsword to eliminate the Brood Eggs from their bodies. The X-Men stay on the ship; whether they are still on it to this day is unknown.


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