- Carmelo Soria
Carmelo Soria (
Madrid ,5 November 1921 –Santiago de Chile ,16 July 1976 ) was a Spanishdiplomat . A member of theCEPAL (United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean), he was assassinated as a part ofOperation Condor . Augusto Pinochet had personally been indicted in this case, which involved inter-state relationship [http://www.elperiodico.com/comunes/pinochet/cas/5causa2.asp Más de 300 querellas abiertas] , "El Periodico " es icon] [ [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/pv2/pv2?PRG=CALDOC&TPV=DEF&FILE=981022&TXTLST=3&POS=1&LASTCH
] concerning Pinochet's arrest fr icon] .Life
Carmelo Soria was the nephew of the Spanish urban planner
Arturo Soria y Mata [http://www.elpais.com/especiales/2001/pinochet/victimas/soria.html El 'caso Soria'] , "El Pais " es icon] . He had three children with his wife Laura González Vera.After the
Spanish Civil War (1936-39), Carmelo Soria, who was a member of theCommunist Party of Spain (PCE) Albert Vallejo, [http://www.elmundo.es/2002/08/24/mundo/1212706.html Chile indemniza a la familia de Soria 26 años después de su asesinato] , "El Mundo ", 24 December 2002 es icon] ,exile d himself to Chile, where he obtaineddouble citizenship . He became a UNcivil servant in the 1960s. Between 1971 and 1973, duringSalvador Allende 's rule, Soria temporarily abandoned his functions to become an advisor to thePopular Unity government. In September 1973, afterAugusto Pinochet's coup , he re-joined the UN. He then used hisdiplomatic immunity status to protect opponents of Pinochet by granting thempolitical asylum in various embassies, thus making him a target for theDINA secret police .On
14 July 1976 , he was abducted and his corpse found two days later in a car sunk in the Canal del Carmen in the Pirámide sector ofSantiago de Chile . Soria was first detained in the Vía Naranja house in the sector of Lo Curro, shared by DINA agentMichael Townley and whereEugenio Berrios also worked . There, he was tortured and, since he didn't speak, subjected tosarin gas (which had been re-invented by Berrios) . Soria was then detained and tortured again in theVilla Grimaldi .On
18 July 1976 , notices of Carmelo Soria's death began to be announced on European radio stations, while it was censored in Chile [http://www.memoriaviva.com/Ejecutados/Ejecutados%20S/soria_espinosa_carmelo_relato.htm Account of Soria's death] by his widow, May 1977, Symposium on "desaparecidos en el Cono Sur de América Latina"” es icon] .On
4 August 1976 , another member of Soria's family, Dr. Carlos Godoy Lagarrigue, the son of the ex-rector of theUniversity of Chile and former Minister of EducationPedro Godoy , also "disappeared. "On
15 December 1976 , "The Washington Post " published an article confirming that Soria's death had been provoked by torture at the hands of the Chilean authorities, and not as a car-crash as pretended by the latter . Despite requests from UN secretary-generalKurt Waldheim made in 1976, the Chilean justice apparatus refused to open new investigations on the case . The Washington Post's informations were confirmed in 1992 by a testimony of DINA agentMichael Townley . Soria's assassination at the hands of the DINA was confirmed by theRettig Report at the beginning of theChilean transition to democracy [http://www.senado.cl/prontus_senado/antialone.html?page=http://www.senado.cl/prontus_senado/site/artic/20051109/pags/20051109101958.html Rechazan acuerdo entre Chile y la ONU que indemniza a la familia de Carmelo Soria] ,Senate of Chile , 09 November 2005 es icon] .Chilean transition and trials
In 1991, during the beginning of the
Chilean transition to democracy , theDINA biochemistEugenio Berríos , already involved in theLetelier case , escaped to Uruguay in order to avoid testifying in both the Letelier case and the Soria case [http://www.memoriaviva.com/culpables/criminales%20c/covarrubias_valenzuela_eugenio.htm Rechazan libertad para ex uniformados en caso Berríos] , "La Tercera ", 12 January 2004 (mirrored by "Memoria viva") es icon] .In 1994, Carmen Soria, the daughter of the assassinated diplomat, presented a complaint for "assassination" of her father. She then received anonymous calls informing her that the investigations would lead nowhere as the corpse had disappeared from the cemetery . Two years later, the
Supreme Court of Chile closed the case, applying the April 1978 Amnesty Law [http://www.memoriaviva.com/Ejecutados/Ejecutados%20S/soria_espinoza_carmelo_luis.htm Caso Soria: nubarrones sobre Alvear] , "La Nacion", 24 January 2004 (mirrored by "Memoria viva") es icon] [ [http://www.elpais.com/articulo/internacional/Exhumados/orden/judicial/Chile/restos/espanol/Carmelo/Soria/elpepiint/20020501elpepiint_13/Tes Exhumados por orden judicial en Chile los restos del español Carmelo Soria] , "El Pais ", 1st of May, 2002 es icon] . This led Carmen Soria to present the following year a complaint againstChile before theInter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH), charging it with "denigration of justice." The CIDH thereafter requested Chile to open new investigations and to insure Carmelo Soria's family financial compensation for his murder.Furthermore, Soria's widow deposed a complaint to the Spanish judge
Baltasar Garzón . On4 May ,2001 , Garzón ordered the provisional detention of former Chilean Minister of DefenceHernán Julio Brady Roche (1975-1978) on charges ofgenocide ,terrorism andtorture in relation to Soria's assassination, and requested hisextradition [ [http://www.elpais.com/articulo/internacional/Garzon/dicta/auto/prision/ex/ministro/Pinochet/asesinato/Carmelo/Soria/elpepuint/20010514elpepuint_7/Tes Garzón dicta auto de prisión contra un ex ministro de Pinochet por el asesinato de Carmelo Soria] , "El Pais ", 14 May 2001 es icon] . Brady subsequently denied any knowledge concerning Soria's murder [http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/spanish/latin_america/newsid_1330000/1330963.stm Brady rechaza acusación de Garzón] , "BBC News ", 14 May 2001 es icon] . However, the "Audiencia Nacional " (high court) archived the case on31 May 2001 , arguing that the Spanish justice was not entitled to pursue the Soria case, despite theuniversal jurisdiction principle , as it had refused a short time before to pursueArnaldo Otegi (leader ofBatasuna ) for an alleged act of "apology of terrorism" committed in France [http://www.elpais.com/articulo/espana/Archivan/caso/asesinato/Carmelo/Soria/Chile/precedente/Otegi/elpeputec/20020531elpepunac_8/Tes Archivan el caso del asesinato de Carmelo Soria en Chile por el precedente de Otegi] , "El Pais ", 31 May 2002 es icon] .In May 2002, Soria's corpse was exhumed on orders of the magistrate Andrés Contreras, in order to verify his identity [http://www.memoriaviva.com/Ejecutados/Ejecutados%20S/soria_espinoza_carmelo_luis.htm Exhumados por orden judicial en Chile los restos del español Carmelo Soria] , "
El Pais " (mirrored by "Memoria Viva") 1 May 2002 es icon] . Soria's family had presented a complaint two weeks before concerning "illegal inhumation", alleging that during the transfer of Soria's corpse in 1983, a substitution had been made in order to dispose of his corpse . However the corpse's identity was confirmed in July 2002 [http://www.memoriaviva.com/culpables/criminales%20c/covarrubias_valenzuela_eugenio.htm SML identificó y entregó restos de Carmelo Soria] , "El Mostrador ", 27 July 2002 (mirrored by "Memoria viva") es icon] .In January 2004, Chilean foreign minister
Soledad Alvear signed an agreement with Carmen Soria which promised that a law would be voted concerning the funding of US$ 1.5 million to Soria's family in reparations of Carmelo Soria's death. Alvear then signed it again in March 2004 before the UN. In July 2007, the Senate ratified this agreement with the UN, by 16 votes for against 14 [http://www.cooperativa.cl/p4_noticias/antialone.html?page=http://www.cooperativa.cl/p4_noticias/site/artic/20070718/pags/20070718211155.html Senado aprobó indemnización para familia de Carmelo Soria] , "Radio Cooperativa ", 18 July 2007 es icon] [ [http://www.elmostrador.cl/modulos/noticias/constructor/noticia_new.asp?id_noticia=222957&estHomepage=Destacados Senado aprueba indemnización para familia de diplomático Carmelo Soria] , "El Mostrador ", 18 July 2007 es icon] . It had before hand refused this same agreement, in November 2005 .In October 2005, the family's lawyer, Alfonso Insunza, presented a request before the Chilean justice demanding that the General
Eduardo Aldunate Herman , second-in-command of theUnited Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), be heard in the Soria case. According to former DINA agent Carlos Labarca Sanhueza's judicial testimony, General Herman was part of the "Brigada Mulchén " special DINA unit involved in Soria's assassination [http://www.cooperativa.cl/p4_noticias/antialone.html?page=http://www.cooperativa.cl/p4_noticias/site/artic/20051011/pags/20051011122922.html Familia de Carmelo Soria pidió que se interrogue a militar a cargo de tropas en Haití] , "Radio Cooperativa ", 11 October 2005 es icon] . The "Brigada Mulchén", ultimately placed under the orders ofAugusto Pinochet Albert Vallejo, [http://www.elmundo.es/2002/08/24/mundo/1212706.html Chile indemniza a la familia de Soria 26 años después de su asesinato] , "El Mundo ", 24 December 2002 es icon] , was found responsible of Soria's assassination by a ChileanCourt of Appeal in 1992 . According to Carmen Soria, General Herman was also involved inEugenio Berríos ' assassination at the beginnings of the 1990s .In August 2006, the magistrate
Alejandro Madrid , charged with the Soria case, stated that one of the key participant to Soria's assassination, the military officer José Remigio Ríos San Martín, had been detained in 1993 by BIE agents ("Batallón de Inteligencia del Ejército ", military intelligence agency) in order to convince him to change his judicial testimony. In this statement, Ríos San Martín had accused the Brigadier Jaime Lepe, secretary-general of the Army and a close contact ofAugusto Pinochet , and other DINA agents, of being responsible of Soria's death Jorge Molina Sanhueza, [http://www.lanacion.cl/prontus_noticias/site/artic/20060820/pags/20060820204239.html El último secreto del crimen de Soria abre la puerta para condenar a brigadier (R) Lepe] , "La Nación", 21 August 2006 es icon] . According to the judge Madrid, the order to detain Ríos San Martín was directly issued by the Brigadier Jaime Lepe, whose promotion to General was blocked in 1997 by the former PresidentEduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle in 1997 following denounciations by Carmen Soria .According to Ríos San Martín' testimony, the "Brigada Mulchén" was headed by the then Captain
Guillermo Salinas Torre , who ordered Soria's kidnapping . The DINA then believed that Carmelo Soria was a member of theChilean Communist Party . Ríos San Martín' testimony relaunched the Soria case by confirming previous statements made by Michael Townley at the end of 1992 concerning Soria's abduction .References
See also
Augusto Pinochet's arrest and trial
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