Eugenio Berríos

Eugenio Berríos

Eugenio Berríos Sagredo (died in April 1995) was a Chilean biochemist who worked for the DINA intelligence agency. Berríos was charged of "Proyecto Andrea" in which Pinochet ordered the production of sarin gas, a chemical weapon used by the DINA which does not leaves trace and makes the death of the victim similar to a heart attack . Other biochemical weapons produced by Berríos included anthrax and botulism Jonathan Franklin, [,,1818137,00.html Pinochet 'sold cocaine to Europe and US'] , "The Guardian", July 11 2006 en icon] . Berríos also allegedly produced cocaine for Augusto Pinochet, who then sold it to Europe and the United States . Wanted by the Chilean justice for involvement in the Letelier case, he escaped to Uruguay in 1991, at the beginning of the Chilean transition to democracy, and what has been identified as his corpse was found in 1995 near Montevideo.

DINA agent

Known in the DINA under his alias "Hermes", for which he began to work in 1974, Berríos was connected to the creation of the explosive used for Orlando Letelier's car-bombing assassination in Washington DC in 1976 Samuel Blixen, [ Pinochet's Mad Scientist] , "Consortium News", January 13 1999 en icon] . In April 1976, Berríos recreated sarin, first invented by the Nazis . He was also suspected, along with DINA agent Michael Townley, of the torture and assassination of the Spanish citizen Carmelo Soria.

In 1978, Michael Townley, in a sworn but confidential declaration, stated that sarin gas was produced by the DINA under Berríos' direction. He added that it was used to assassinate the real state archives custodian Renato León Zenteno and the Army Corporal Manuel Leyton. "Townley reveló uso de gas sarín antes de ser expulsado de Chile", "El Mercurio", September 19 2006 es icon ]

Former head of DINA Manuel Contreras declared to Chilean justice in 2005 that the CNI, successor of DINA, handed out monthly payments between 1978 and 1990 to the persons who had worked with DINA agent Michael Townley in Chile, all members of the far-right group "Patria y Libertad": Mariana Callejas (Townley's wife), Francisco Oyarzún, Gustavo Etchepare and Eugenio Berríos [ Contreras dice que Pinochet dio orden "personal, exclusiva y directa" de asesinar a Prats y Letelier] , "La Tercera", May 13 2005, mirrored on CC.TT. website es icon ] . According to "La Nación", Berríos also worked with drug traffickers and DEA agents [ El coronel que le pena al ejército] , "La Nación", September 24 2005 es icon ] .

Frei Montalva

Questioned in March 2005 by Judge Alejandro Madrid about ex-Chilean Christian Democrat President Eduardo Frei Montalva's death, DINA agent Michael Townley acknowledged links between Colonia Dignidad, led by ex-Nazi Paul Schäfer, and DINA on one hand, and the Laboratorio de Guerra Bacteriologica del Ejercito (Bacteriological War Army Laboratory) on the other hand. It is suspected that the toxin that killed Frei Montalva in a Santa Maria clinic in 1982 was created there. This new laboratory in Colonia Dignidad would have been, according to him, the continuation of the laboratory that the DINA had in Via Naranja de lo Curro, where he worked with Eugenio Berríos in the clandestine unit "Quetropilla" . Townley would also have testified on biological experiments made upon the prisoners in Colonia Dignidad with the help of the two above-mentioned laboratories. [ [ Michael Townley fue interrogado por muerte de Frei Montalva] , "Radio Cooperativa", 30 March 2005 es icon ]

Escape, death and trial

On 26 October 1991 [ [ Confirman prisión de generales (R) en caso Berríos] , "La Nación" (mirrored by "Memoria viva"), 12 January 2004 es icon] , a year before the "terror archives" were found in Paraguay, Eugenio Berríos was escorted from Chile to Uruguay by the Special Unity of the DINE (Army's Intelligence agency), in order to escape testifying before a Chilean court in the Letelier case and in the other case concerning the 1976 assassination of the Spanish diplomat and CEPAL civil servant Carmelo Soria [ Caso Berríos - La guerra secreta entre un espía y un abogado] , "El Periodista", N°59, 8 April, 2004 es icon] [ Rechazan libertad para ex uniformados en caso Berríos] , "La Tercera" (mirrored by "Memoria viva"), 12 January 2004 es icon] . He had just been indicted by the magistrate Adolfo Bañados in charge of the Letelier case .

This is known as "Operation Silencio", which started in April 1991 in order to impede investigations by Chilean judges concerning crimes committed during Pinochet's dictatorship, with the spiriting away of Arturo Sanhueza Ross, linked to the murder of MIR leader Jecar Neghme in 1989. According to the Rettig Report, Jecar Neghme's death was carried out by Chilean intelligence agents [ [ Neghme Jecar Antonio] , "Memoria Viva", es icon ] . In September 1991, Carlos Herrera Jiménez, who killed trade-unionist Tucapel Jiménez, flew away, before Berríos who followed in October 1991. Jorge Molina Sanhueza, [ El coronel que le pena al ejército] , La Nación, 25 September 2005, URL accessed on 2006-12-15 es icon ] Berríos then used four different passports, Argentinian, Uruguayan, Paraguayan and Brazilian, lifting concerns about Operation Condor still being in place. In Uruguay, he was protected by members of the Chilean and Uruguayan military intelligence as part of "La cofradia", alleged to be the direct heir of Operation Condor.

In Uruguay, Berrios was hidden in the house of the Uruguayan Colonel Eduardo Radaelli, using the alias of "Tulio Orellana" [ Casella involucra al general Aguerrondo en el caso Berríos] , "La Republica", 5 February 2007 es icon] . Berríos, however, escaped from Radaelli's home and presented himself on 15 November 1992 to a local police office in order to denounce his "sequestration" . Uruguayan military officers Tomas Casella and Eduardo Radaelli then went to the police office to request the police to hand them out Berríos, which was done. He was then never seen again .

In February 1993, Pinochet travelled to Uruguay, and the Uruguayan Tomas Casella was appointed as his assistant ("edecan") . Casella, Radaelli and Washington Sarli (another Uruguayan military officer) then travelled, the same year, to Chile, to assist to intelligence courses, although the courses were then cancelled (according to Casella, because some countries' intelligence officers could not assist to it) and they were invited to pass some days, with costs paid, in the Termas de Puyehue. . In a 2007 interview, Casella stated that he had first entered in contact with Berríos in March 1992 under the requests of a Chilean intelligence officer, and that he had immediately informed General Mario Aguerrondo, then head of the SID Uruguayan military intelligence agency (now retired), who allegedly ordered him to remain in contact with the Chileans .

In June 1993, an anonymous letter sent to various Uruguayan deputies denounced Berríos' presence in the country, leading them to request to President Luis Alberto Lacalle's government immediate investigations [ Los restos son de Berríos] , "Clarin", 26 May 1995 es icon ] . Lacalle immediately destituted, on June 6 1993, head of police of Canelones, Ramón Rivas, on charges of not having informed him of what had occurred. Three days later official investigations were initiated concerning the Berríos case. On June 9 1993, 14 Army Generals met with the Minister of Defence Mariano Brito, and two days later, General Mario Aguerrondo was destituted Andrés Capelán, [ Caso Berríos: la justicia uruguaya entre la espada y la pared.] , Equipo Nizkor, 20 June 2004 es icon] .

Finally, a corpse, identified by the Uruguayan justice as his own, was found in April 1995 in a beach of El Pinar, near Montevideo, with two gunshots in his scruff, his murderers having tried to make the identification of his body impossible. However, forensic dentistry immediately made led to his identification as Berríos. Furthermore, DNA fingerprinting was also done several years later.

According to the daughter of Carmelo Soria, the Spanish diplomat assassinated in 1976, Chilean Eduardo Aldunate Hermann, second-in-command of the MINUSTAH United Nations force in Haiti, was also involved in the assassination of Eugenio Berríos [ Familia de Carmelo Soria pidió que se interrogue a militar a cargo de tropas en Haití] , "Radio Cooperativa", 11 October 2005 es icon] .

Three Uruguayan military officers (Tomas Casella, Washington Sarli and Eduardo Radaelli ) have been extradited in April 2006 to Chile and were detained there, before being released on bail in September 2006 [ General (r) Manuel Contreras: Eugenio Berríos está vivo] , "Radio Cooperativa", 10 July 2006 es icon ] [,,3341806,00-levee-immunite-pinochet-pour-meurtre-chimiste-.html Levée de l'immunité de Pinochet pour le meurtre d'un chimiste] , news agency cable, 12 October 2006 fr icon] . In October 2006, the Court of Appeal of Santiago stripped Pinochet's parliamentary immunity (who was, in 1992, head of the Chilean military), opening up the way for his judgment concerning the homicide of Berríos . Furthermore, the former directors of the DINE, Hernán Ramírez Rurange and Eugenio Covarrubias, have been charged of obstruction to justice in this case . Ramírez Rurange, several other Chilean militaries and one civilian, and the three Uruguayan officers have also been charged of sequestration, while Eugenio Covarrubias was charged of sequestration and homicide . Emilio Rojas Gómez, the former Chilean cultural attachée in Montevideo, was also charged of obstruction to justice .

Allegations concerning Berríos' disappearance

In July 2006, after having denounced Augusto Pinochet's involvement in the cocaine trade, former DINA director Manuel Contreras asserted in a judicial document handed to judge Claudio Pavez, presiding over the investigation concerning the 1992 assassination of the Colonel Gerardo Huber, that Berríos was in fact alive and now worked for the DEA [ General (r) Manuel Contreras: Eugenio Berríos está vivo] , "Radio Cooperativa", 10 July 2006 es icon ] . Contreras' lawyer, Fidel Reyes, alleged that the corpse discovered in El Pinar belonged in reality to a foreigner, and that Berríos allegedly had assisted in 2004 in the funeral, in Chile, of one of his close relative . According to Contreras' deposition, the cocaine (which was "black cocaine" especially made to be undetectable) was produced by Berríos in a military installation in Talagante, and both Pinochet's son, Marco Antonio Pinochet, and the businessman Edgardo Batisch were involved in the drug trade . The money from the trade was allegedly directly put in Pinochet's bank accounts abroad .

Manuel Contreras' allegations concerning Berríos' alleged survival have been flatly refuted by the Uruguayan judge in charge of his assassination, who claims that she is "99% sure" of the identification of the corpse found in 1995, and added that DNA analysis had been made a few years later [ Jueza uruguaya descartó que Eugenio Berríos esté vivo, como afirmó Contreras] , "Radio Cooperativa", 12 July 2006 es icon] .


The Uruguayan film director Esteban Schroeder produced a movie, "Matar a todos", loosely based on Berríos' murder. The movie was adapted from the book "99 por ciento asesinado" written by the Uruguayan writer Pablo Vierci, and was presented in the San Sebastián International Film Festival [ [ Filme uruguayo "Matar a todos" participará en San Sebastián] , La Republica, 28 August 2007 es icon] .


See also

*Augusto Pinochet's arrest and trial
*Chile under Pinochet
*Chilean transition to democracy

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