clench — [ klentʃ ] verb 1. ) intransitive or transitive if you clench a part of your body such as your hand or your mouth, or if it clenches, you close it tightly, especially because you are angry or upset: He clenched his fists in frustration. I could… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
clench — clench, clinch Clinch is a 16c variant spelling of clench, and has since been regarded as a separate word. We clench our teeth, fingers, and fists; and we clinch an argument, bargain, or deal. Lovers clinch when they embrace closely, and so do… … Modern English usage
Clench — Clench, n. & v. t. See {Clinch}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
clench — [klentʃ] v [T] [: Old English; Origin: beclencan] 1.) clench your fists/teeth/jaw etc to hold your hands, teeth etc together tightly, usually because you feel angry or determined ▪ Jody was pacing the sidelines, her fists clenched. 2.) to hold… … Dictionary of contemporary English
clench — index constrict (compress) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
clench — (v.) O.E. beclencan to hold fast, make cling, causative of clingan (see CLING (Cf. cling)); Cf. stink/stench. Related: Clenched; clenching. The noun is attested from 1799 … Etymology dictionary
clench — [v] grasp clamp, clasp, clinch, clutch, constrict, contract, double up, draw together, grapple, grip, hold; concept 191 Ant. let go, loose, loosen, release … New thesaurus
clench — ► VERB 1) (with reference to one s fist or teeth) close or press together tightly, in response to stress or anger. 2) (with reference to a set of muscles) contract sharply. 3) grasp tightly. ► NOUN ▪ the action of clenching or the state of being… … English terms dictionary
clench — [klench] vt. [ME clenchen < OE clencan (in beclencan), lit., to make cling, caus. of clingan: see CLING] 1. CLINCH ( vt. 1) 2. to bring together tightly; close (the teeth or fist) firmly 3. to grip tightly n. 1. a firm grip … English World dictionary
clench|er — «KLEHN chuhr», noun. 1. a person or thing that clenches. 2. Figurative. a decisive argument; clincher … Useful english dictionary