

Zara may refer to:


* Zara (clothing), a clothing brand & retailer


* Asuran Zara, one of the main characters from the anime series Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED Destiny


* Zara Yaqob (1399-1468), Emperor of Ethiopia (1434-1468)
* Zara, a female first name:
** Zara Cully (1892-1978), an American actress
** Zara Gudnason (b. 1993), an Australian horse rider
** Zara Phillips (b. 1981), daughter of Princess Anne
** Zara Sheikh (b. 1982), a Pakistani model and Lollywood actress
** Zara Whites (b. 1968), Dutch television personality, activist, and former pornographic actress


* Zara is the Venetian, Austrian and Italian name of the Adriatic port city of Zadar (and its official name from the 15th to the 20th century), former capital of Dalmatia, in Croatia
* Zara, a district in the Turkish province of Sivas
* Zara, Eritrea, a city in central-western Eritrea.
* Zara is a small Iraqi city on the Euphrates river between Al Baghdadi and Hit, Iraq.
*Zara, a village in the Tibet Autonmous Region of China.


* "Zara", an heavy cruiser that served in the Italian Navy from 1931 to 1941
* The Zara class of Italian heavy cruisers
* USS "Zara" (SP-133), a patrol vessel that served in the United States Navy from 1917 to 1919

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