- Revelation (cocktail)
The Revelation appears in
William "Cocktail" Boothby 's 1908 workThe World's Drinks And How To Mix Them Boothby, William "Cocktail". "The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them", 1908. Photographed at San Francisco Public Library Historical Materials Collection [http://flickr.com/photos/joegratz/336862865/in/photostream/] onDecember 28 ,2006 .] as "A swell after-dinner drink."Into a small mixing-glass place a little cracked ice, two-thirds of a pony of
Bénédictine , one-third of a pony ofKümmel and seven drops (no more) ofCrème de menthe . Twist and throw in a piece of lemon peel (a la cocktail). Stir thoroughly until cold and serve in a pony-glass.This is a most seductive after-dinner beverage, and was originated by Mr. Dennis O'Sullivan, the well-known mixologist, several years ago, and is still very popular with many connoisseurs and clubmen."
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.