Germany's LKW-MAUT is a toll for goods vehicles based on the distance driven in kilometres, the number of axles and the emission category of the vehicle.


As much as 35% of truck miles traveled on Germanys motorways (autobahns) are generated by foreign trucks (UK Commission for Integrated Transport, 2007). Facing an increased pressure from freight traffic passing through and needing an additional source of revenue for motorways maintenance and expansion, in January 2005 Germany has implemented a distance-based toll for all trucks over twelve tonnes gross weight using the motorways (Autobahnen). The motorway freight tolling was authorized by the Motorway Toll Act for Heavy Commercial Trucks (in effect since April 12, 2002) and the Toll Regulation (Toll Collect, 2007).


The toll is calculated depending on the toll route, as well as based on the pollution class of the vehicle, its weight and the number of axles on the vehicles. Certain vehicles, such as emergency vehicles and buses are exempt from the toll. An average user is charged 0.15 per kilometre, or about $0.31 per mile (Toll Collect, 2007).

Automatic log-on

Toll Collect oversees the toll collection on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany (Toll Collect, 2007). Toll Collect has developed an automatic log-on system for truckers, based on a combination of GSM and GPS. To take advantage of the automatic log-on, truck drivers are required to register the freight company as well as each individual truck. After registration, an on-board unit (OBU) can be installed by an authorized Toll Collect partner. The OBU automatically determines the distance traveled on the toll route, calculates the toll based on vehicle class and toll rate information entered, and transmits the information to the Toll Collect center for processing via GSM (cellular) communication (Richards, 2006). Once the toll information is submitted to the Toll Collect center, a bill is generated and e-mailed to the driver or owner of the truck. German government paid for approximately 450,000 OBUs currently in use, and the truck drivers were only responsible for covering their installation (UK Commission for Integrated Transport 2007).

Manual log-on

Alternatively, the truck drivers that rarely use German toll roads can log-on manually, at one of 3,500 toll station terminals, or over the internet. The log-on to a toll station terminal, located near motorway access ramp, is similar to purchasing a ticket. The driver enters the vehicle information, origin and end location. The toll station calculates the fees based on the shortest route within the toll road network. As of December 2006, 90% of the trucks on German roads pay the toll via automatic service. In 2006, the toll collection rate for automatic transactions was 99.75% (Toll Collect, 2007).


The system enforcement is based on 300 gantries equipped with infrared detection equipment and high-resolution cameras (able to identify the license plates of trucks). In addition, Federal Officers of Freight in 300 mobile enforcement vehicles patrol the motorways and have the authority to pull trucks over and check for payment records. When a fee has not been paid and the GPS data is unclear, a charge for 500 km of travel is assessed. The collection costs are estimated at 20 percent of gross revenues. During the first eight months of Truck Toll scheme operation, 11.6 million trucks were checked for violation, with a resulting violation rate of less than 2% (Richards, 2006; UK Commission for Integrated Transport, 2007).


Toll revenues in excess of system operating costs provide funding for transportation infrastructure improvements (Richards, 2006). As a result of the truck tolling program implementation, freight companies now have an incentive to purchase vehicles with lower emission rates. UK Commission for Integrated Transport (2007) cites a 6% decrease in the number of empty runs and a 6% shift to rail from road freight mode as a result of implementing the truck toll system. Those factors are likely to decrease the emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants on German roads. The only negative consequence of the freight toll system detected thus far has been determent of some trucks off the autobahns and onto other roads, resulting in additional noise and congestion on these routes. (UK Commission for Integrated Transport, 2007).

External links

* [ Road Traffic Technology]

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