Reinhart family

Reinhart family

The Reinhart family was a family that appeared in the "Saw" series, in particular, "Saw III".

The family consisted of Jeff (scripted to be in his 40s), ["Saw III" script, Jeff's age] ] his wife Lynn (scripted as being in her 30s), ["Saw III" script, Lynn's age] ] and their children Corbett (scripted as being 10), ["Saw III" script, Corbett's age] ] and Dylan. When Dylan was killed in a drunk driving accident, the killer, Timothy Young, was given a short prison sentence by Judge Halden for only six months, due to the fact that the only witness, Danica Scott, had fled the scene of the accident. The family crumbled as a result of the loss, leading to many individual problems among each member.

Jeff continued to grieve on his own, not willing to let go of any of Dylan’s things and wishing to take revenge against those he felt were responsible for Dylan’s death and the short term sentence for the killer.

Unable to maintain a proper relationship with Jeff, Lynn began an affair with a man named Chris while taking pills to fight her depression.

While her parents were suffering in their own ways, Corbett was neglected by both of them.

Jeff Reinhart

Jeff, along with his daughter Corbett, was kidnapped in his home by one of Jigsaw's apprentices wearing a pig mask. Jigsaw, who was dying of cancer and an inoperable brain tumor, often placed his victims (those he deemed unappreciative of their lives) in death traps to test their survival skills. Jeff was to be one of Jigsaw's final test subjects; Jigsaw wanted to see if Jeff could forgive those responsible for his son Dylan's death after 3 years of grieving and desires of revenge, and move on in his life, possibly to help him rebuild his relationship with his family.

Jeff awoke in an abandoned warehouse, Jigsaw's defacto headquarters. There he was directed to a series of rooms, each holding someone who was involved in his son's death and from Jeff's perspective, had gotten away with it without being punished. Each room contained a tape recorder with instructions from Jigsaw, as well as a box outside the door. Reaching the first room, Jeff found a key, a note, and a piece of a torn-up photograph in its box.

The first room featured a woman, Danica Scott, who had witnessed the accident but did nothing about it and had driven away. She was suspended naked in a where ice cold water was sprayed on her, slowly freezing her to death. At first, Jeff was angry at her and blamed her for fleeing the scene. He finally came to his senses when Danica reminded him that she too, like Dylan, was a human. He ran to retrieve a key, which required him to stick his face against a freezing pipe. Grabbing the key, he tore some flesh from his face and ran back to Danica. However, he was too late; the water being sprayed over her had already covered both her body and the lock with ice, and she froze to death.

The box outside the second room held one bullet, a note, and a second piece of the photograph. Imprisoned inside was Judge Halden, who had, in Jeff's opinion, let the killer of Jeff's son off too easily. Halden was chained down by his neck to the bottom of a vat, where rotted pig carcasses would be dropped through a shredder, covering and ultimately drowning him in fermented pig guts. Near the base of the vat was an incinerator filled with all of Dylan's belongings. If Jeff were to start the unit, all of Dylan's items would be destroyed, leaving nothing but ash and a key that would unlock Halden's neck brace. Once again, Jeff, still bitter over his son's death, considered letting Halden die. However, the judge persuaded Jeff to save him, telling Jeff about his own son and vengeance never solved anything. Burning all of Dylan's belongings, Jeff managed to save the judge in the nick of time.

The box outside the third room held an empty ammunition clip for a pistol, a note, and a third piece of the photograph. Inside, Jeff and Halden found the driver who had struck and killed Dylan, a man named Timothy Young. As Jigsaw pointed out, Timothy was extremely devastated and remorseful over his involvement in Dylan's death. He had been placed on a of sorts that began to twist his arms and legs one by one until they broke. The only way to get the key was by removing it from a glass box open at one end. The key was attached to the trigger of a shotgun, and removing it would shoot Jeff in the process. Jeff had to choose whether to take a bullet for the man who killed his son, or watch him be killed. After a moment of hesitation and yelling, Jeff then attempted to save Timothy. He unwound the key from the wire, triggering the shotgun. He moved out of the way and accidentally shot Judge Halden in the head, killing him. With the key, he attempted to save Timothy, but Jeff was unable to locate the lock in time, and Timothy died as the device twisted his head 180 degrees to break his neck.

Continuing on, Jeff found a fourth box that contained an empty pistol, a note, and the last piece of the photograph. He used the key from the first box to unlock a gate that stood in his way and moved on toward the end of his path, loading the pistol with the clip and bullet he had picked up earlier.

Jeff arrived in Jigsaw's sickroom in time to see Amanda shoot Lynn, who was also being tested, and responded by shooting Amanda in the neck. As Amanda bled to death, Jigsaw revealed to her that Lynn was Jeff's wife (as seen in the reassembled photograph), and that Amanda was being tested to see if she could cope with the pressure of being Jigsaw's apprentice. He had set up the four boxes without her knowledge. As Lynn lay dying from the gunshot to her stomach, Jigsaw asked Jeff if he would forgive him for being responsible for the loss of his child. Jeff said he forgave him, but fatally slashed his throat with a circular saw. Before Jigsaw died, he gave Jeff a final taped message: Jigsaw himself had been Jeff's last test of forgiveness. By killing him, Jeff had failed and shown that he had learned nothing from his experience; now he would have to pay the price for carrying all that anger. The tape also stated that Jeff's daughter Corbett was still locked away somewhere with a limited air supply, and that Jeff would have to play another game if he wanted to find her. As Jigsaw flatlined, a collar placed around Lynn's neck previously by Amanda was activated. Jeff turned to face her as the collar fired the shells, blowing Lynn's head apart.

Jeff's game was revisited in "Saw IV", with him making a brief appearance near the end (when the events of this movie coincided with those of "Saw III"). While Jeff slit Jigsaw's throat with the saw and watched his wife die as a result, FBI Agent Peter Strahm was shown standing outside the door the whole time. When the metal door slammed shut behind Jeff after Jigsaw's tape finished, Strahm reopened it using a key left to him by Detective Allison Kerry. Seeing that Jeff had a weapon (the now-unloaded gun from the fourth box), Strahm ordered Jeff to drop it and put his hands in the air. Jeff yelled at Strahm, demanding to see his daughter, and waving his gun around believing that Strahm was involved somehow. Failing to comply with orders, Jeff was instantly shot twice in the chest and killed by Strahm, just as Jigsaw had predicted earlier in the film (he had warned Strahm's partner that Strahm would take the life of an innocent man).

Angus Macfadyen

When asked whether he liked his character even though he hesitated in saving people, Angus Macfadyen said, "Yeah, well, I think it's kind of set up in the film that even though you think he could save them, even when he tries to, it's set-up so it all seems a little too late. That was something we were discussing was how long do you wait and pause? Because if you've done that in one room, you know you can't do that in the next because otherwise it's going to be too late for that person. So we were having lots of debates. And also because each scene, you can't play them all the same. You've got to build in each one. So did I like him? I don't think he liked himself very much." [ IGN interview with Angus Macfadyen] ]

Lynn Denlon

After finishing up one of her shifts, Lynn changed and got ready to leave, and with a sigh, chose not to take her antidepressants. As she reached the door, she found herself locked in, and wandered around the room to see if there was anyone to help. It was then that Amanda Young, one of Jigsaw's apprentices, kidnapped Lynn from the hospital wearing a pig mask, bringing her to the new lair where Jigsaw and Amanda were hiding out. Lynn woke up to find herself tied to a wheelchair. She was wheeled to Jigsaw, John Kramer, who was resting in a makeshift hospital room on his deathbed. After asking Lynn how long he had to live, Jigsaw informed her that he “ [wanted] to play a game.” Amanda equipped Lynn with a bulky collar surrounded by explosive shells. The collar contraption was linked with Jigsaw's heart rate monitor. If Jigsaw flat lined, or if Lynn strayed too far from him, the shells would explode, killing her. It was explained that another man was also being tested, and that if he completed his tests before Jigsaw died, Lynn would be free to go. Jigsaw was careful not to reveal that the other man was in fact Lynn’s husband Jeff.

Lynn explained to Amanda that Jigsaw had a brain herniation and that his only hope was to get care from a hospital, but Amanda wouldn't permit leaving. After Lynn and Amanda stabilized Jigsaw from a sudden seizure, Amanda asked for the tools needed to fix the hernia. Lynn told Amanda that she'd need anesthesia and a power drill in order to perform brain surgery.

In the warehouse, Lynn began to operate on Jigsaw under a local anesthetic. She used a power drill and then a bone saw to cut open a hole in his skull to relieve the pressure the tumor was causing. Jigsaw's heart rate began to decrease. Jigsaw soon stabilized and Amanda watched as he held Lynn's arm and told her that he loved her, momentarily stuck in a hallucination concerning a past love. After leaving and returning to the room, a frustrated Amanda confronted Lynn, about to brandish a gun, when John interfered and told Amanda to leave.

Jigsaw then later asked to speak with Amanda alone. Lynn left and wandered around the warehouse. Attempting to escape, she pried the back door to the warehouse open with a large tool and entered a fenced-off area surrounded by a metal fence. Trying to open the door, she found it was locked. After attempting to pick the lock with her scalpel, she heard someone coming and shut the back door and waited inside the warehouse. Amanda came and told Lynn that she was needed. Amanda noticed something suspicious and checked the back door and found it open. Lynn then slashed at Amanda with the scalpel and a brutal fight ensued, ending with Lynn holding Amanda at knife point. Lynn threatened to kill Amanda, but Amanda said if she did, she would never get the key to the collar. Lynn ripped the key from Amanda's neck and found that it didn't open her collar or the gate door. Tossing the key to the floor, Lynn stormed back into Jigsaw's sick room.

Lynn then talked with Jigsaw and he proceeded to make brief conversation about Lynn's family and how she abandoned it. Amanda revealed that Jeff had passed the third test, without using his name. Jigsaw told Amanda to release Lynn, but she refused, instead pointing her gun at Lynn. Jigsaw attempted to calm her, claiming she would not be following the rules, but Amanda again refused to listen, misled to believe that Jigsaw had given Lynn control over her.

Jeff, having completed all of his tests and acquiring a gun along the way, arrived in the makeshift medical room. As Lynn went to embrace him, Amanda shot her in the back, and Lynn collapsed in Jeff's arms. Jigsaw told Amanda that the two were a married couple just as Jeff raised his gun and shot Amanda in the neck. Jigsaw revealed that Amanda was also being tested. In his desperation to make Amanda Jigsaw's true apprentice, after all the injustices she had committed with her murders, he gave her one last chance. By disobeying the rules and shooting Lynn, she had failed and died.Jigsaw then told Jeff that if he co-operated, he could call an ambulance to arrive in four minutes to help Lynn, but first, Jigsaw proposed one final test. On a nearby table, there were various tools about that Jeff could use to exact his revenge on Jigsaw, or he could forgive him for the pain he'd caused Jeff and Lynn. Jigsaw also hinted that the choice Jeff made would tie directly with not only Jeff's fate, but also Lynn's, who would die if John died. Jeff claimed that he forgave him, but then brandished a circular power saw. Lynn desperately tried to tell Jeff to stop, but could hardly speak. Jeff sliced Jigsaw's throat open, once again proclaiming "I forgive you." As Jigsaw flatlined, Lynn’s collar was activated, blowing her head apart. Her corpse was seen again in "Saw IV" when Strahm opened the sickroom door to confront Jeff.

Bahar Soomekh

When asked about why she believed her character was being tested, Bahar Soomekh said, "I think this is what's so interesting and that's what I would ask is in Jigsaw's mind he's justified in everything that he does, right? These are people, whether they are drug dealers or they've done something wrong. But that's how psychotic and wrong he actually is. Because he justifies it. What did Lynn do? That's what's so disturbing because he's not justified at all in doing what he does. In his mind, he thinks he's helping these people. How does he help Lynn? He doesn't help Lynn at all. But I think, in his mind, because my character's depressed ... so she's been dead inside. She's totally dead inside and this is Jigsaw's way of waking her up and saying, 'What the hell are you doing?' And she does. You see the metamorphosis in her." [ IGN interview with Bahar Soomekh] ]


*Corbett was portrayed by Niamh Wilson.

Corbett was the daughter of Lynn Denlon and Jeff Reinhart in "Saw III", described as being athletic. After both her parents were kidnapped for their individual games, Corbett was also taken as a part of her father's game. She was locked away and given a limited air supply. Had Jeff let Jigsaw live, Corbett's location would have been revealed. However, Jeff killed Amanda and Jigsaw, which in return killed his wife. As Jigsaw died, another pre-recorded tape was revealed, explaining that if Jeff wanted to get his daughter back, he'd have to play another game. Corbett's fate is still unknown after Saw "IV", due to her father's death preventing him from "playing another game" in order to save her. If she is somehow saved, she is the last remaining member of the Reinhart/Denlon family.

In "Saw IV", Hoffman is seen holding a stuffed toy while leaving the office, and was asked by Agent Perez what its meaning was. He stated that he "had a girl". Corbett also had a similar-looking stuffed bear. As it is revealed at the end of the movie that this particular scene took place shortly before Jeff's game, it is likely Hoffman gave it to her while she was being held captive assuming he kidnapped her instead of Amanda.

The "Saw IV" shooting script revealed that the ending of "Saw IV" originally had Hoffman emerge from Jigsaw's lair with Corbett, Corbett holding the bear that Hoffman had been holding earlier. Hoffman would claim that he "saved Corbett" and that no one else on the inside of the lair had survived, thus making himself out to be the hero. This ending was not used in the final cut of the film, however.Saw IV script]

An interview with Patrick Melton hinted that "Saw V" will reveal what happened to Corbett after "Saw III". [ Interview with Patrick Melton] ]


*Dylan was portrayed by Stefan Georgiou.

Dylan only appeared in flashbacks and photographs in "Saw III". He was the eight year old son of Jeff Reinhart and Lynn Denlon who had been hit and killed by a drunk driver while riding his tricycle. The drunk driver was Timothy Young, a man who would later go on to be killed in a series of tests of forgiveness along with Danica Scott, a witness to Dylan's death who fled the scene, and Halden, the judge who sentenced Timothy to only six months in prison. Jigsaw has stated that he was responsible for the death of Dylan.

Name debate

There is a huge speculation surrounding the name "Reinhart". Jeff's last name was never revealed in "Saw III", but a fan on [] submitted his last name onto IMDb as "Reinhart". IMDb, not aware that the information could be false, published the submission and kept Jeff's last name. This gained worldwide notice, being published in an issue of "Fangoria" magazine and even being published on the back of the official unrated DVD release of "Saw III". Some fans still debate whether or not this last name is true, seeing as how he would more than likely have the same last name as his wife Lynn (Denlon). However, it is possible that Lynn decided to keep her maiden name as opposed to changing it when she married Jeff.


External links

*imdb character|0002597|Jeff Reinhart
*imdb character|0002605|Lynn Denlon
*imdb character|0002613|Corbett
*imdb character|0002619|Dylan

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