- Sandbar Fight
The Sandbar Fight was an 1827 brawl featuring
Jim Bowie which first showcased his knife, which later became known as theBowie knife . The brawl occurred at the conclusion of a duel, and resulted in Bowie being seriously injured. Bowie was nonetheless the victor.Before the duel
In the late 1820s, Bowie was involved in a feud with Norris Wright, the sheriff of Rapides Parish in
Louisiana . The two had been on opposite sides of political party squabbles and competed against each other in land speculation ventures. Bowie had supported Wright's opponent in the race for sheriff, and Wright, a bank director, had been instrumental in turning down Bowie's loan application. [Hopewell (1994), pp. 25–26.] After a confrontation in Alexandria one afternoon, Wright fired at Bowie. An uninjured Bowie was enraged and tried to kill Wright with his bare hands. Wright's friends intervened and stopped the attack, and Bowie resolved to carry his hunting knife from then on. [Edmondson (2000), pp. 84–85.] The knife had a huge blade that was 9.25 inches long and 1.5 inches wide.Kennedy (1841), pp. 122–128.]Duel
September 19 1827 , both Bowie and Wright attended aduel on a sandbar outside ofNatchez, Mississippi . Bowie supported duelist Samuel Levi Wells III, while Wright favored Dr. Thomas Harris Maddox. About 16 men were present. Wells had also brought supporters, including Major George McWhorter and GeneralSamuel Cuny . Maddox was supported by Colonel Robert Crain, Carey Blanchard, Alfred Blanchard, and several unnamed others. Wright was late, and had not yet arrived when the duel began.Fact|date=October 2007The duelists each fired two shots, and, as neither man was injured, resolved their duel with a handshake.Hopewell (1994), pp. 28, 30.
Edmondson (2000), pp. 97–98.]Brawl
As the duelists turned to leave, Bowie came forward to meet them. Seeing this, Maddox's friends ran forward to join the group. Cuny, who had previously fought with Crain, is recorded as having called out to him, "Col. Crane [sic] , this is a good time to settle our difficulty."citation|title=The Bowies and Bowie Knives|newspaper=
New York Times |format=PDF|date=January 27 ,1895 |url=http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?_r=1&res=9B0DE4DA123DE433A25754C2A9679C94649ED7CF&oref=slogin|accessdate=2007-10-15] Crain fired, missing Cuny but striking Bowie in the hip and knocking him to the ground. Cuny and Crain then exchanged fire, with Crain sustaining a flesh wound in the arm and Cuny dying from a shot to the chest.Bowie, rising to his feet, drew his knife and charged at Crain, who struck him so hard with his empty pistol upon the head that it broke and sent Bowie to his knees. Wright appeared, drew a pistol, and shot at the fallen Bowie, missing. Wright then drew his sword cane and stabbed Bowie in the chest, but the thin blade was deflected by his
sternum . As he attempted to pull the blade free, Bowie reached up, grabbed his shirt, and pulled him down upon the point of hisBowie knife . [Hopewell (1994), p. 31.] [Edmondson (2000), pp. 99–101.] Wright died instantly, and Bowie, with Wright's sword still protruding from his chest, was shot again and stabbed by another member of the group. [Hopewell (1994), p. 32.] As Bowie stood, pulling the sword cane from his chest, both Blanchard brothers fired at him, and he was struck once in the arm. Bowie spun and cut off part of Alfred's forearm. Carey fired a second shot at Bowie, but missed. As the brothers fled, Carey was shot and wounded by Major McWhorther.The Battle of the Sandbar lasted less than 10 minutes, leaving Samuel Cuny and Norris Wright dead, and another four men - Alfred Blanchard, Carey Blanchard, Robert Crain and Jim Bowie - wounded.
Crain helped carry Bowie away, with Bowie recorded as having thanked him, saying, "Col. Crane [sic] , I do not think, under the circumstances, you ought to have shot me." One doctor reputedly said "How he (Bowie) lived is a mystery to me, but live he did." [Archimedia Interactive Alamo: victory or death 1995] The doctors who had been present for the duel managed to patch Bowie's wounds. [Hopewell (1994), p. 32.]
Newspapers picked up the story, which became known as the Sandbar Fight. Bowie's fighting prowess and his knife were described in detail. Eyewitness accounts agreed that Bowie did not attack first, and the others had focused their attack on Bowie because "they considered him the most dangerous man among their opposition." [ Hopewell (1994), pp.33–34.] After the Sandbar Fight and subsequent battles in which Bowie successfully used his knife to defend himself, his knife became very popular. Many craftsman and manufacturers made their own versions of it, and many major cities of the Southwest had "Bowie knife schools", which taught "the art of cut, thrust, and parry." [Hopewell (1994), p. 55.] His fame, and that of his knife, spread to England, and by the early 1830s, many British knife manufacturers were also producing Bowie knives, exporting many of them to the United States for sale. [Hopewell (1994), p. 56. Edmondson (2000), p. 122.] The design of the knife continued to evolve, and it is generally agreed to have a blade 8.25 inches long and 1.25 inches wide, with a curved point. It had a "sharp false edge cut from both sides" and a cross-guard to protect the user's hands. [Hopewell (1994), pp. 40, 42.]
*citation|last=Edmondson|first=J.R.|title=The Alamo Story-From History to Current Conflicts|publisher=Republic of Texas Press|place=
Plano, TX |isbn=1-55622-678-0|date=2000
*citation|last=Hopewell|first=Clifford|title=James Bowie Texas Fighting Man: A Biography|publisher=Eakin Press|location=Austin, TX |date=1994|isbn=0890158819
*cite book | last =Kennedy | first =William | coauthors = | title = Texas: The Rise, Progress, and Prospects of the Republic of Texas | publisher = R. Hastings | date =1841 | url =http://books.google.com/books?id=s3cFAAAAQAAJ&dq=%22the+grass+fight%22
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