Francesco Marchisano

Francesco Marchisano

Francesco Marchisano (born June 25, 1929) is an Italian Cardinal who has worked in the Roman Curia since 1956. Born in Turin, he was ordained a priest there by Maurilio Fossati in 1952.

A period of study in Rome intended to be temporary turned permanent when he was offered his first Curial appointment by Cardinal Giuseppe Pizzardo. Rising through the Vatican dicastery then headed by Cardinal Pizzardo (then the Sacred Congregation for Seminaries and Universities, now the Congregation for Catholic Education), he eventually served as its Undersecretary from 1969 to 1988. He was also advanced to monsignor, becoming a Papal Chamberlain in 1961 and a Prelate of Honor in 1971.

In 1988 Pope John Paul II named Monsignor Marchisano to become a bishop, and personally consecrated him on January 6, 1989. Since then he has served as President and Secretary of various Vatican organs, being promoted to archbishop in 1994.

His past positions include:
*President of the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archeology (1991-2004)
*President of the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church (1993-2002)
*President of the Artistic-Cultural Commission of the Grand Jubilee Year 2000infobox cardinalstyles
cardinal name=Francesco Marchisano
dipstyle=His Eminence
offstyle=Your Eminence
See=Populonia (titular see)
In 2002 he was named to succeed Cardinal Virgilio Noè as Archpriest of the Patriarchal Vatican Basilica, Vicar General for the State of Vatican City, and President of the Fabric of Saint Peter. This being a position reserved for a Cardinal, Archbishop Marchisano was duly elevated in the next consistory the following year, becoming Cardinal-Deacon of "Santa Lucia del Gonfalone". Some months after being additionally appointed President of the Permanent Commission for the Care of the Historical and Artistic Monuments of the Holy See.

He passed the normal retirement age of 75 for Curial positions in 2004, though this is frequently waived (Cardinal Noe had remained in office past his 80th birthday). After the death of Cardinal Jan Pieter Schotte, Cardinal Marchisano was named on February 5, 2005, to succeed him as President of the Labour Office of the Apostolic See, retaining his other positions. However, Archbishop Angelo Comastri was named to the unusual position of Coadjutor Archpriest of Saint Peter's. He was also the eventual successor to Cardinal Marchisano's other posts at the Vatican.

Cardinal Marchisano was one of the cardinal electors who participated in the 2005 papal conclave that selected Pope Benedict XVI. In a funeral mass for Pope John Paul II celebrated the day after his funeral, Cardinal Marchisano revealed that he had been cured of an illness of the throat after the late pope had prayed and touched him.

On 31 October 2006 Pope Benedict named Archbishop Angelo Comastri to succeed Cardinal Marchisano as Archpriest of St Peter's Basilica.

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