

In Irish mythology Delbáeth (modern spelling: Dealbhaeth) was the son of either Aengus or Ogma of the Tuatha Danann, and Ethniu of the Fomorians. He succeeded his grandfather Eochaid Ollathair, aka the Dagda, as High King of Ireland. He was the father, by Ernmas, of the three eponymous Irish goddesses Ériu, Banba and Fodla. He ruled for ten years, before dying at the hand of his son, Fiacha.

Certain portions of Lebor Gabála Érenn identify Delbáeth as the father of Brian, Iuchar and Iucharba, mentioning that Delbáeth has another name "Tuirill Biccreo" or "Tuirill Picreo".[1] For this reason Delbáeth is identified as the same character as Tuireann.

The Delbhna, a people of early Ireland, claimed descent from him.

Preceded by
Eochaid Ollathair
High King of Ireland
AFM 1750-1740 BC
FFE 1337-1327 BC
Succeeded by

Another Delbáeth, Delbáeth Mac Neit, is identified in the same section of Lebor Gabála Érenn as Tuirill Biccreo's great-grandfather.[1]


  1. ^ a b Macalister, R. A. Stewart. Lebor Gabála Érenn. Part IV. Irish Texts Society, Dublin, 1941. § VII, First Redaction, ¶ 316.

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