

The Sestigers (Sixtiers), also known as the Beweging van Sestig[1][2] (the movement of sixty), were a group of influential Afrikaans-language writers in the 1960s started by André Brink and Breyten Breytenbach, which also included Etienne Leroux, Jan Rabie, Ingrid Jonker, Adam Small, Bartho Smit, Chris Barnard, Hennie Aucamp, Dolf van Niekerk, Abraham H. de Vries and Elsa Joubert[3].

See also


  1. ^ "Chris Barnard (1939– )". 2008-10-14. Retrieved 2010-03-30. 
  2. ^ Heilna du Plooy (2003-04-01). Spore in die sand - 'n herbeskouing van die oeuvre van C.M. van den Heever. (Research Articles). English abstract, Dutch text, Critical Essay. Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies. Retrieved 2010-03-30. 
  3. ^ "Own a piece of history". ABSA/LitNet Living Legends series. 2004-11-24. Retrieved 2010-03-30. 

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