List of Rutaceae genera

List of Rutaceae genera

There are approximatively 160 genera in the family Rutaceae.


*"Achuaria" Gereau
*"Acmadenia" Bartl. & H.L.Wendl.
*"Acradenia" Kippist
*"Acronychia" J.R.Forst. & G.Forst - Lemon Aspen, et al
*"Adenandra" Willd.
*"Adiscanthus" Ducke
*"Aegle" Correa - Bael
*"Aeglopsis" Swingle
*"Afraegle" (Swingle) Engl.
*"Agathosma" Willd.
*"Almeidea" A.St.-Hil.
*"Amyris" P.Browne - West Indian Sandalwood
*"Angostura" Roem. & Schult.
*"Apocaulon" R.S.Cowan
*"Araliopsis" Engl.
*"Asterolasia" F.Muell.
*"Atalantia" Correa


*"Balfourodendron" Corr.Mello ex Oliv.
*"Balsamocitrus" Stapf
*"Boenninghausenia" Rchb. ex Meisn.
*"Boninia" Planch.
*"Boronella" Baill.
*"Boronia" Sm.
*"Bosistoa" F.Muell - Bonewoods
*"Bouchardatia" Baill.
*"Brombya" F.Muell.
*"Burkillanthus" Swingle


*"Calodendrum" Thunb.
*"Casimiroa" La Llave
*"Chloroxylon" DC Ceylon Satinwood
*"Choisya" Kunth - Mexican orange
*"Chorilaena" Endl.
*"Citropsis" (Engl.) Swingle & M.Kellerm - African orange cherry
*"Citrus" L. - Citrus
*"Clausena" Burm.f.
*"Clymenia" Swingle
*"Cneoridium" Hook.f.
*"Cneorum" L. (formerly in Cneoraceae)
*"Coleonema" Bartl. & H.L.Wendl. - Breath of Heaven
*"Comptonella" Baker f.
*"Coombea" P.Royen
*"Correa" Andrews
*"Crowea" Sm.
*"Cyanothamnus" Lindl.


*"Decagonocarpus" Engl.
*"Decatropis" Hook.f.
*"Decazyx" Pittier & S.F.Blake
*"Dendrosma" Pancher & Sebert
*"Dictamnus" L. - Burning-bush
*"Dictyoloma" A.Juss.
*"Diosma" L.
*"Diphasia" Pierre
*"Diphasiopsis" Mendonca
*"Diplolaena" R.Br.
*"Drummondita" Harv.
*"Dutaillyea" Baill.


*"Echinocitrus" Tanaka
*"Empleuridium" Sond. & Harv.
*"Empleurum" Aiton
*"Eremocitrus" Swingle
*"Eriostemon" Sm.
*"Erythrochiton" Nees & Mart.
*"Esenbeckia" Kunth
*"Euchaetis" Bartl. & H.L.Wendl.
*"Euodia" J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
*"Euxylophora" Huber
*"Evodiella" Linden


*"Fagaropsis" Mildbr. ex Siebenl.
*"Feroniella" Swingle
*"Flindersia" RBr. Crow Ash, Cudgerie
*"Fortunella" Swingle - Kumquat


*"Galipea" Aubl.
*"Geijera" Schott - Wilga, Axebreakers
*"Geleznowia" Turcz.
*"Glycosmis" Correa


*"Halfordia" F.Muell.
*"Haplophyllum" A.Juss.
*"Helietta" Tul.
*"Hortia" Vand.


*"Ivodea" Capuron


*"Kodalyodendron" Borhidi & Acuna


*"Leionema" (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson.
*"Leptothyrsa" Hook.f.
*"Limnocitrus" Swingle
*"Limonia" L.
*"Lubaria" Pittier
*"Lunasia" Blanco
*"Luvunga" Buch.-Ham. ex Wight & Arn.


*"Maclurodendron" T.G.Hartley
*"Macrostylis" Bartl. & H.L.Wendl.
*"Medicosma" Hook.f.
*"Megastigma" Hook.f.
*"Melicope" J.R.Forst. & G.Forst - Corkwood, Alani
*"Merope" M.Roem.
*"Merrillia" Swingle
*"Metrodorea" A.St.-Hil.
*"Microcitrus" Swingle
*"Microcybe" Turcz.
*"Micromelum" Blume
*"Monanthocitrus" Tanaka
*"Monnieria" Loefl.
*"Muiriantha" C.A.Gardner
*"Murraya" L. - Curry tree
*"Myrtopsis" Engl.


*"Naringi" Adans.
*"Naudinia" Planch. & Linden
*"Nematolepis" Turcz.
*"Neobyrnesia" J.A.Armstr.
*"Neoschmidia" T.G. Hartley, gen. nov.
*"Nycticalanthus" Ducke


*"Oricia" Pierre
*"Oriciopsis" Engl.
*" Orixa " Thunb.
*"Oxanthera" Montrouz.


*"Pamburus" Swingle
*"Paramignya" Wight
*"Peltostigma" Walp.
*"Pentaceras" Hook.f.
*"Phebalium" Vent.
*"Phellodendron" Rupr. - Cork-tree
*"Philotheca" Rudge
*"Phyllosma" Bolus
*"Pilocarpus" Vahl
*"Pitavia" Molina
*"Platydesma" H.Mann
*"Pleiospermium" (Engl.) Swingle
*"Plethadenia" Urb.
*"Polyaster" Hook.f.
*"Poncirus" Raf. - Trifoliate orange
*"Psilopeganum" Hemsl.
*"Ptelea" L. - Hoptree


*"Raputia" Aubl.
*"Rauia" Nees & Mart.
*"Raulinoa" R.S.Cowan
*"Ravenia" Vell.
*"Raveniopsis" Gleason
*"Rhadinothamnus" Paul G.Wilson
*"Ruta" L. - Rue
*"Rutaneblina" Steyerm. & Luteyn

*"Sarcomelicope" Engl.
*"Severinia" Ten.
*"Sheilanthera" I.Williams
*"Skimmia" Thunb. - Skimmia
*"Spathelia" L.
*"Spiranthera" A.St.-Hil.
*"Stauranthus" Liebm.
*"Swinglea" Merr.


*"Teclea" Delile
*"Tetractomia" Hook.f.
*"Tetradium" Lour. - Euodia
*"Thamnosma" Torr. & Frem.
*"Ticorea" Aubl.
*"Toddalia" Juss.
*"Toddaliopsis" Engl.
*"Tractocopevodia" Raizada & V.Naray.
*"Triphasia" Lour.


*"Urocarpus" J.Drumm. ex Harv.


*"Vepris" Comm. ex A.Juss.


*"Wenzelia" Merr.


*"Zanthoxylum" L. - Toothache tree
*"Zieria" Sm

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