El Gen Argentino

El Gen Argentino

Infobox Television
show_name = El Gen Argentino - The Argentine Gene

caption =
show_name_2 =
genre = Cultural spreading
creator =
writer =
director = Fernando Emiliozzi Marcelo Stiletano for La Nacion Daily, " [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/Archivo/nota.asp?nota_id=938707 The importance of a choice] ", Retrieved on 8-29-2007 es]
creative_director = Cune Molinero ]
developer =
presenter = Daniel Pergolini ]
starring =
voices =
narrated =
theme_music_composer =
opentheme =
endtheme =
composer =
country = ARG
language =
num_seasons =
num_episodes =
list_episodes =
executive_producer = Daniel Pergolini and Diego Guebel ]
co_exec =
producer = Cuatro Cabezas
supervising_producer =
asst_producer =
co-producer =
editor =
story_editor =
location =
cinematography =
camera =
runtime =
network =
picture_format =
audio_format =
first_run =
first_aired = 27 August, 2007
last_aired = 15 October, 2007
related =
website = http://www.elgenargentino.com/index.html
production_website =
imdb_id =
tv_com_id =

"El Gen Argentino" (in Spanish, "The Argentine Gene") was the Argentinian spin-off of the 2002 "Greatest Britons" programme produced by the BBC. Launched on 27 August 2007, it was a television program series by Telefe, to determine which historical personality best represents the Argentine Nation, and who possesses the "Argentine Gene". The Top 10 were announced in the first programme, with almost 350,000 votes cast. In following shows, there were chosen pairs of candidates in each category of history, art, science, politics and entertainment.



"The Argentine Gene" finalist list

There were five lists, depending on the activities of the great Argentines. They were: "Politics in the XIX Century", "Politics in the XX Century", "Pop Culture", "Arts and Science" and finally, "Sports".

20th century politics

  • Eva Perón (1919-1952), Women revolutionary and popular hero.

  • Ernesto "Che" Guevara (1928-1967), Communist revolutionary and Cuban national hero.

    19th century politics

  • José de San Martín (1778-1850), Revolutionary liberator and national hero of Argentina, Chile and Peru.
  • Manuel Belgrano (1770-1820), Revolutionary and creator of the Argentine flag.

    Pop culture, journalism

  • Roberto Fontanarrosa (1944-2007), Cartoonist and writer.
  • Alberto Olmedo (1933-1988), Actor and comedian.

    Art and science and humanism

  • Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986), National writer.
  • Rene Favaloro (1923-2000), Creator of coronary bypass surgery .


  • Diego Armando Maradona (1960), One of the best soccer players of the 20th century.
  • Juan Manuel Fangio (1911-1995), Racing car driver, won five Formula One World Driver's Championships.

    Shortlists of Non-finalist

    19th century politics: non-finalists

  • Moreno, Mariano
  • Sarmiento, Domingo F.
  • Juan Manuel de Rosas
  • Juana Azurduy
  • Leandro N. Alem
  • Martín Güemes
  • Justo José de Urquiza
  • Calfucurá
  • Juan B. Alberdi
  • Facundo Quiroga
  • Francisco "Perito" Moreno
  • Julio A. Roca
  • Mariquita Sánchez de Thompson
  • Bartolomé Mitre
  • Chacho Peñaloza
  • Bernardino Rivadavia
  • Juan José Castelli
  • Artigas, José Gervasio

    20th century politics: non-finalists

  • Juan Domingo Perón
  • Arturo Illia
  • Hipólito Yrigoyen
  • Carlos Menem
  • Rodolfo Walsh
  • Raúl Alfonsín
  • Estela de Carlotto
  • Néstor Kirchner
  • Alfredo Palacios
  • Alicia Moreau de Justo
  • Lisandro De la Torre
  • Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
  • Arturo Frondizi
  • Carlos Mugica - Padre
  • Ricardo Balbín
  • Roque Sáenz Peña
  • Enrique Angelelli - Obispo
  • Hebe de Bonafini

    Pop culture, journalism: non-finalists

  • Carlos Gardel
  • Tato Bores
  • León Gieco
  • Charly García
  • Joaquín Lavado, aka Quino
  • Astor Piazzolla
  • Atahualpa Yupanqui
  • María Elena Walsh
  • Sandro
  • Luis Sandrini
  • Enrique Santos Discépolo
  • Gustavo Santaolalla
  • Tita Merello
  • Niní Marshall
  • Mercedes Sosa
  • Norma Aleandro
  • Mariano Mores
  • Alfredo Alcón

    Arts and Science: non-finalists

  • Ernesto Sábato
  • Julio Cortázar
  • Julio Bocca
  • José Hernández
  • Luis Leloir
  • Alfonsina Storni
  • Quinquela Martín
  • Bernardo Houssay
  • Salvador Mazza
  • Roberto Arlt
  • Lola Mora
  • César Milstein
  • Florentino Ameghino
  • Antonio Berni
  • Adolfo Bioy Casares
  • Xul Solar
  • Ramón Carrillo
  • Esteban Echeverría

    ports: non-finalists

  • Emanuel Ginóbili
  • Guillermo Vilas
  • Gabriel Batistuta
  • Luciana Aymar
  • Carlos Bilardo
  • Carlos Monzón
  • Gabriela Sabatini
  • Mario Kempes
  • Oscar Bonavena
  • Jorge Newbery
  • Nicolino Locche
  • Roberto De Vicenzo
  • Hugo Porta
  • Alfredo Di Stéfano
  • Daniel Passarella
  • José María Gatica
  • Carlos Reutemann
  • César Menotti


    * There are 15 women in the top 100 and 1 in the top 10.
    * There is only 1 living person in the top 10, Diego Armando Maradona.
    * There are 31 living persons in the top 100. A further 31 are predominantly 20th century figures.


    *Nominees by area:
    **Political Figures: 25
    **Sports: 19
    **National Presidents: 13
    **Music: 10
    **Literature: 8
    **Science: 7
    **Television, Cinema and Radio: 7
    **painters and sculptors: 5
    **Military: 4
    **Religion: 2
    **First Ladies: 1
    **Aviators: 1
    **Business and Industry: -

    See also

    * 100 greatest Britons
    * Greatest Britons spin-offs
    * List of Argentinians

    Other editions

    :"Other countries have produced similar shows, see also: Greatest Britons spin-offs"

    * Germany ran their version on ZDF and called it "Unsere Besten" ("Our Best").
    * The CBC ran "The Greatest Canadian" in 2004.
    * KRO (part of the Netherlands Public Broadcasting) ran the "De Grootste Nederlander" ("The Greatest Dutchman").
    * The Discovery Channel (in conjunction with AOL) ran "The Greatest American" in May 2005 [http://tv.channel.aol.com/greatestamerican] .
    * The South African Broadcasting Corporation ran the "Great South Africans".
    * In Finland, YLE ran "Suuret Suomalaiset" ("Great Finns"). [http://www.yle.fi/suuretsuomalaiset/] .
    * In France "Le Plus Grand Français" ("The Greatest Frenchman") ran on France 2.
    * In Belgium.: "De Grootste Belg" and "Le plus grand belge".
    * A Czech version called "The Greatest Czech" ("Největší Čech") aired in June 2005.
    * 100 Welsh Heroes was the result of an on-line poll carried out in 2003-4.
    * A Bulgarian version, "The Great Bulgarians" ("Великите българи"), finished in February 2007.
    * In Romania, the show called "Mari Români" ("Great Romanians") started in May 2006; on July 8, Televiziunea Română (TVR) presented the 100 Greatest Romanians, and on October 21 the Greatest Romanian of all the times.
    * In Portugal, RTP chose dictator António de Oliveira Salazar as the Greatest Portuguese.
    * In Spain, Antena 3 chose the current head of state, King Juan Carlos I, as the The Most Important Spaniard in History, on May 22nd, 2007. [http://www.antena3.com/elmasimportante/index.htm]
    * Ukraine ran their version on Inter (TV channel) and called it Великі українці ("The Great Ukrainians"). To broadcast 2007-2008 season, 2007. [http://www.greatukrainians.com.ua/]


    External links

    * [http://www.cuatrocabezas.com Cuatro Cabezas, producer of the program]
    * [http://www.elgenargentino.com Official Site]
    ** [http://www.elgenargentino.com/top100.php Top 100]
    ** [http://www.elgenargentino.com/top10.html Top 10]
    ** [http://www.elgenargentino.com/panelistas.html Panelists]

  • Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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