RS4 Codici

RS4 Codici

RS4 Codici is a train protection system used in Italy. The term is an abbreviation of "Ripetizione Segnali a 4 codici" ("signal repetition system with 4 codes").

It is a simple cab signalling system, displaying the aspect of the next (and, in some cases, the next but one) signal. It helps the driver to reliably determine the aspect of the next signal even in poor visibility and at high velocities.

The information is conveyed via amplitude modulation of a 50Hz alternating current in the rails. Receiver coils in front of the first axle of a locomotive or control car are used to detect the signal.

The frequency of the modulating signal encodes the signal aspect:

The driver must acknowledge a code change by pressing a button labeled "RIC" within 3 seconds, otherwise the system will apply emergency brakes.



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