- EarthLab
EarthLab, is the first and the leading Climate crisis community, uses an ECP calculator to help create carbon footprint profiles for its members. EarthLab works to inform its members and the general public about the effects of global warming and climate change. EarthLab has partnered with E-surance, and the
Alliance for Climate Protection chaired byAl Gore to achieve this. EarthLab also provides ways to preventglobal warming and human createdclimate change . Partnered withOffice Max andVespa , EarthLab has created [http://www.earthlab.com/ The Earth Day Challenge] , to get 1 million people to take the personal carbon test, find their ECP scores then reduce their ECP scores by 15% in 2008.Established to generate social capital through education and motivation resulting in social action, [http://www.earthlab.com EarthLab.com] and the [http://earthlabfoundation.org/ EarthLab Foundation] provide consumers real take away information - a practical guide to green living. EarthLab is a voice and community for people interested in leading a more earth-friendly existence, a healthier, greener, more balanced lifestyle. Thanks in large part to terrific partners, The Alliance for Climate Protection (Chaired by Al Gore);
Live Earth 07.07.07; SOS; Leonardo DiCaprio’s The 11th Hour,Warner Bros. ;eSurance , Tree Media and Participant Productions, EarthLab.com currently has had over 1.5 million people worldwide take the ECP test.The [http://www.earthlab.com/signupprofile/ecp.htm?ver=7 Earth Conservation Profile(ECP)] , the first to market carbon & lifestyle calculator was introduced at
Live Earth , “Concerts for a Climate in Crisis”, 9 concerts on 7 continents, featuring 150 of the leading artists in the world.The [http://www.earthlab.com/signupprofile/ecp.htm?ver=7 (ECP)] , allows consumers for the first time ever, to save and track their carbon score as well as their ECP results over time. A personal and private ECP profile provides consumers the opportunity to educate and activate themselves while embedding a green approach into their lives, so ultimately they will continue to improve their score. In addition, EarthLab features exclusive climate crisis related content, experts, analysis, car and product comparisons - real usable information - a practical guide to green living.
At the [http://earthlabfoundation.org/ EarthLab Foundation] , their mission is to advance research and education in climate change and global warming. EarthLab provides functional outreach, research and educational efforts in part through , [http://www.earthlab.com/ EarthLab.com] , capable of providing unsurpassed worldwide data collection. EarthLab features the Earth Conservation Plan (ECP), a first of its kind carbon calculator that allows consumers to save and track their results over time. A personal and private ECP profile provides consumers the opportunity to educate and activate themselves while embedding a green approach into their lives, ultimately will continue to improve their score.
The Earth Lab Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization headquartered in Kirkland, Washington and is an independent non-profit service organization.
1.Review journal.com [http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=LVRJAUT.story&STORY=/www/story/08-24-2007/0004650849&EDATE=FRI+Aug+24+2007,+06:00+AM]
2.Yahoo finance [http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/070822/aqw036.html?.v=23] 3.Reuters [http://today.reuters.com/news/articleinvesting.aspx?view=PR&symbol=WTM&storyID=92900+24-Aug-2007+PRN&type=qcna] 4.LookSmart [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m4PRN/is_2007_July_2/ai_n19330723]
5. Good Clean Tech (Popular Science Magazine)http://www.goodcleantech.com/2007/08/kaplan_on_ecotech_know_your_ca_1.php 6. San Fran Examinerhttp://www.examiner.com/printa-917030~Web_site_tallies_green_impact.html?cid=tool-print-top
External links
* [http://earthlabfoundation.org/ The EarthLab Foundation]
* [http://liveearth.org/ Live Earth]
* [http://www.allianceforclimateprotection.org/ Alliance for Climate Protection]
* [http://www.climatechange.eu.com/ European Climate Change]
* [http://green.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/gw-overview.html Global Warming, National Geographic]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.