- Burton J. Hendrick
Burton Jesse Hendrick (1870-1949) born in New Haven, Connecticut. While attending
Yale University , Hendrick was editor of both The Yale Courant and The Yale Literary Magazine. He received his BA in 1895 and his master's in 1897 from Yale. After completing his degree work, Hendrick became editor of the New Haven Morning News. In 1905, after writing forThe New York Evening Post andThe New York Sun , BJH left newspapers and became a "muckraker " writing forMcClure's Magazine . His "The Story of Life-Insurance" expose appeared in McClure's in 1906. Following his career at McClure's, Hendrick went to work in 1913 atWalter Hines Page 'sWorld's Work magazine as an associate editor. In 1919, Hendrick began writing biographies, when he was theghostwriter of "Ambassador Morgenthau's Story" forHenry Morgenthau, Sr. .He won the
1921 Pulitzer Prize for "The Victory at Sea" which he co-authored withWilliam Sowden Sims , the1923 Pulitzer Prize for "The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page" and again in 1929 for "The Training of An American". Hendrick wrote the "Age of Big Business " in 1919, using a series of individual biographies, as an enthusiastic look at the foundation of the corporation in America and the rapid rise of the United States as a world power. There is an obvious gap in the later works published by Mr. Hendrick between 1940 and 1946 which is explained by his work on a biography on Andrew Mellon, which was commissioned by the Mellon family, but never published.Books
*1919 "
Ambassador Morgenthau's Story "
*1921 "Age of Big Business "
*1923 "Life and Letters of Walter H Page "
*1923 "The Jews in America "
*1924 "Biography of William Crawford Gorgas "
*1928 ""
*1932 "The Life of Andrew Carnegie "
*1935 ""
*1937 "Bulwark of the Republic, A Biography of the Constitution "
*1939 ""
*1946 "Lincoln's War Cabinet "External links
[http://manybooks.net/authors/hendrick.html Books by Hendrick at manybooks.net]
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