Alys Pearsall Smith

Alys Pearsall Smith

Alys Whitall Pearsall Smith (1867 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - January 22, 1951) was the first wife of Bertrand Russell.

She was the daughter of Robert Pearsall Smith and Hannah Whitall Smith, prominent figures in the Holiness movement in America and the Higher Life movement in Great Britain, the sister of essayist and critic Logan Pearsall Smith, and the cousin of Martha Carey Thomas.

Her family lived in England from 1873-1875 and then again from 1888 onward. In England the family came into contact with George Bernard Shaw, Henry James, and Bernard Berenson, who married her sister Mary.

Alys married Bertrand Russell on December 13, 1894 in the Quaker Meeting House in St. Martin's Lane, London, England. They separated 1911, and divorced in 1921. Alys pined for him for these years and continued to love Russell for the rest of her life.

She chaired the Italian Refugees' Relief Committee to help people fleeing Mussolini's Italy.

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