Certified Asthma Educator (AE-C)

Certified Asthma Educator (AE-C)

Primarysources|date=August 2007

AE-C is the designation given to a person who has passed the National Asthma Educator Certification Board, Inc.(NAECB)- Asthma Educator Certification Examination. The NAECB has developed and implemented qualifications/standards, as well as a certification examination for Asthma Educators on a national level.

The role of the asthma educator increased since the 1990s as research has shown the importance of a well-educated, informed patient. Prior to this national certification, there were multiple "certificate" programs offered by various sources, including local American Lung Association chapters. There was no regulation of these programs and no means to measure outcomes. By providing a certification process, patients, providers and healthcare payers can be assured that a Certified Asthma Educator (AE-C)has met stringent criteria based upon scientifically sound concepts. The NAECB is the only organization in the United States providing a national certification process. Asthma specialists have recognized the need for a standardized process to certify asthma educators and to evaluate their effectiveness in disease management.

Asthma Educator Definition: [http://www.naecb.org] An asthma educator is anexpert in teaching, educating, and counseling individualswith asthma and their families in the knowledge and skillsnecessary to minimize the impact of asthma on their qualityof life. The educator possesses comprehensive, currentknowledge of asthma pathophysiology and managementincluding developmental theories, cultural dimensions, theimpact of chronic illness, and principles of teaching-learning.The educator is knowledgeable about objective andsubjective evaluations used to diagnose asthma and assessits control. The educator capably instructs individuals withasthma on the optimal use of medications and deliverydevices particularly explaining technical concepts to individualsin language each can understand. The educatorconducts thorough assessments of individuals and familiesto identify strengths and resources as well as negativepsychological factors, the social and economic impact ofasthma, educational needs, and barriers to optimal healthcareand self-management. The educator works with anindividual with asthma, his/her family, and other healthcareprofessionals to develop, implement, monitor, and revise anasthma action plan customized to the individual’s needs,environment, disease severity, and lifestyle to optimize theindividual’s self-management skills. The educator monitorsasthma education program outcomes and recommendsmodifications to improve quality and effectiveness. Theeducator serves as a resource to the community by providinginformation about asthma as well as healthcare andcommunity resources.A primary job responsibility of the certified asthma educatoris the provision of asthma coordination and counselingservices.(Garvey , C. Advances In Asthma Care: Asthma Educator Certification Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2003, Volume 1, Issue 1, 87-90.)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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