- Røssvatnet
lake_name = Røssvatnet
basin_countries= Norway
location =Hattfjelldal ,Hemnes ,Nordland
inflow =
outflow =
area = 218.61 km²
elevation = 383 m (374 m before damming)
residence_time =
shore = 256.37 km
depth = 67 m
max-depth = 240 m (231 m before damming)
volume = 14.80 km³ (12.60 km³ before damming)
coords = coord|65|46|34|N|14|01|57|E|region:NO_type:waterbody_scale:200000|display=inline,title
cities =
islands =
reference = NVE, Citation| last=Seppälä| first=Matti| title=The Physical Geography of Fennoscandia | url=http://books.google.com/books?id=q33WekTp7tgC&pg=PA145| publisher=Oxford University Press|date=2005| page=145]Røssvatnet (Sami: "Reevhtse") is a
lake and reservoir inNorway in the county ofNordland , and has been the site of human occupation since theStone Age . Its area of 219 km² makes it the second largest lake in Norway by surface area. Without thedam which has regulated the lake since1957 , it would be 190 km², or third. Its depth is 240 meters, its volume is estimated at about 15 km³ and its surface is 374 meters above sea level.The lake is bordered by the municipalities of
Hattfjelldal andHemnes .References
External links
* [http://www.vitenskapsmuseet.no/spor/pdf/Spornr2-2005.pdf Archeological article] (in Norwegian) (URL accessed
7 April ,1983 )
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