- Respiratory stimulant
A respiratory stimulant is a drug which acts to increase the action of the
respiratory system .An example is
doxapram .External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
A respiratory stimulant is a drug which acts to increase the action of the
An example is
External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
respiratory stimulant — see analeptic … Medical dictionary
respiratory stimulant — analeptic … The new mediacal dictionary
Respiratory failure — is a medical term for inadequate gas exchange by the respiratory system. Respiratory failure can be indicated by observing a drop in blood oxygenation (hypoxemia) and/or a rise in arterial carbon dioxide (hypercapnia), which can be written as… … Wikipedia
stimulant — 1. Stimulating; exciting to action. 2. An agent that arouses organic activity, strengthens the action of the heart, increases vitality, and promotes a sense of well being; classified according to the parts upon which they chiefly act: cardiac,… … Medical dictionary
stimulant — stim|u|lant [ stımjələnt ] noun count 1. ) a substance that makes a part of your body work faster or better: a heart/brain/respiratory stimulant a ) a substance that makes you feel more awake when you eat it or drink it: Try to avoid stimulants… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
stimulant — n. an agent that promotes the activity of a body system or function. Amphetamines, methylphenidate, and caffeine are stimulants of the central nervous system; doxapram is a respiratory stimulant (see analeptic) … The new mediacal dictionary
Stimulant — Ritalin Slow Release (SR) 20 mg tablets. Stimulants (also referred to as psychostimulants) are psychoactive drugs which induce temporary improvements in either mental or physical function or both. Examples of these kinds of effects may include… … Wikipedia
stimulant expectorant — an expectorant that stimulates secretion of mucus by the respiratory tract mucosa … Medical dictionary
analeptic — respiratory stimulant; n. a drug that acts on the central nervous system to stimulate the muscles involved in breathing. Analeptics, such as doxapram, are used to treat respiratory depression and respiratory failure … The new mediacal dictionary
Opioid — Endogenous opioid peptides Skeletal molecular images Adrenorphin Amidorphin Casomorphin … Wikipedia