Cell wall — A cell wall is a tough, flexible and sometimes fairly rigid layer surrounding a cell, located external to the cell membrane, which provides the cell with structural support, protection, and acts as a filtering mechanism. A major function of the… … Wikipedia
Halophile — Halophiles are extremophiles that thrive in environments with very high concentrations of salt. The name comes from Greek for salt loving . While the term is perhaps most often applied to some halophiles classified into the Archaea domain, there… … Wikipedia
Halobakterien — Halobacteriales Halobacterium sp. Systematik Domäne: Archaeen (Archaea) Stamm: Euryarchaeota Klasse … Deutsch Wikipedia
Halophile — Als Halophile oder Halotolerante (abgeleitet vom griechischen hals, halos = Salz) werden Organismen bezeichnet, die in Umgebungen mit erhöhter Salzkonzentration leben. Als Salz gilt dabei nicht nur Kochsalz, sondern auch jedes andere Mineralsalz … Deutsch Wikipedia
halobacter — halobacter, halobacterium halobacterium .; pl. {halobacteria}, or {halobacters}. Any halophilic bacterium of the archaebacteria group, expecially of the genera {Halobacterium} and {Halococcus}, which live in saline environments such as the Dead… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
halobacteria — halobacter halobacter, halobacterium halobacterium .; pl. {halobacteria}, or {halobacters}. Any halophilic bacterium of the archaebacteria group, expecially of the genera {Halobacterium} and {Halococcus}, which live in saline environments such as … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
halobacterium — halobacter halobacter, halobacterium halobacterium .; pl. {halobacteria}, or {halobacters}. Any halophilic bacterium of the archaebacteria group, expecially of the genera {Halobacterium} and {Halococcus}, which live in saline environments such as … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
halobacters — halobacter halobacter, halobacterium halobacterium .; pl. {halobacteria}, or {halobacters}. Any halophilic bacterium of the archaebacteria group, expecially of the genera {Halobacterium} and {Halococcus}, which live in saline environments such as … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Halobacteriaceae — Taxobox color = darkgray name = Halobacteriaceae domain = Archaea phylum = Euryarchaeota classis = Halobacteria ordo = Halobacteriales familia = Halobacteriaceae subdivision ranks = Genus subdivision = * Haladaptatus * Halalkalicoccus *… … Wikipedia
List of Archaea genera — This article lists the genera of the Archaea.The following genus of the Archaea has not been assigned to a phylum:*Genus Halostagnicola Phylum CrenarchaeotaThis section lists the genera of Archaea within the Phylum Crenarchaeota.Class… … Wikipedia