RedIRIS is the national research and education network (NREN) for Spain. It is part of, which also administers and oversees the .es national Top-level domain. Most spanish universities and research centers are interconnected through RedIRIS, currently totalling about 260 institutions. RedIRIS also acts as an Internet Service Provider for affiliated institutions, through links with Telia and Global Crossing. As a national NREN, RedIRIS is connected to the high-speed European GÉANT2 backbone, similar to the US-based Abilene Network.

Other services provided by RedIRIS include a collection of FTP mirrors, customized software for affiliated institutions, interconnection with the Eduroam european wireless network, and an incident response team, IRIS-CERT.

ee also

* Eduroam

External links

* [ RedIRIS website]
* [ RedIRIS network map] including internal and external links
* [] , oversees RedIRIS
* [ website]
* [ forum for incident response] , of which IRIS-CERT is a participant.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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