Peperomia graveolens

Peperomia graveolens


status = VU
status_system = IUCN3.1
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Magnoliids
ordo = Piperales
familia = Piperaceae
genus = "Peperomia"
species = "P. graveolens"
binomial = "Peperomia graveolens"
binomial_authority = Rauh & Barthlott|

"Peperomia graveolens" is a species of plant in the Piperaceae family. It is endemic to Ecuador.


* Santiana, J. & Pitman, N. 2004. [ "Peperomia graveolens"] . [ 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. ] Downloaded on 23 August 2007.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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