Werner Rauh

Werner Rauh

Werner Rauh (born 1913 in Niemegk; died 7th April 2000 in Heidelberg) was an internationally renowned German botanist and author.

Born in the town of Niemegk in Brandenburg, Rauh studied at the University of Halle under the famous morphologist Wilhelm Troll [ [http://iosweb.org/b2000.html IOS Bulletin 8 - 2000 ] ] and received his doctorate in 1937 before coming to the University of Heidelberg two years later. He discovered or described some 1200 genera, species and varieties of plants from Africa, the Americas and Asia. His fields of specialization were the Bromeliads and succulent plants. He was a Professor at the University of Heidelberg and Director of the Institute of Plant Systematics and Plant Geography as well as Director of the Heidelberger Botanical Gardens [ [http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/uni/aktu/9901rauh.htm Pressemitteilung ] ] and authored over 300 scholarly books and articles. [ [http://fcbs.org/articles/WernerRauh.htm PROFESSOR WERNER RAUH (1914 - 2000) ] ] His work on the succulent and xerophytic flora of Madagascar is presented in his two-volume work "Succulent and Xerophytic Plants of Madagascar".

elected Publications

* "Kakteen an ihren Standorten", 1979, ISBN 3-4895-1924-8
* "Die 100 schönsten Kakteen", Humboldt-Taschenbuchverlag, 1980, ISBN 3-581-66370-8
* "Die großartige Welt der Sukkulenten", 1979
* "Schöne Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten", 1967
* "Bromelien - Tillandsien und andere kulturwürdige Bromelien", Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 1990, ISBN 3-8001-6371-3
* "Succulent and Xerophytic Plants of Madagascar", Vol. 1 + 2, Strawberry Press, 1995 + 1998, ISBN 0-912647-14-0


*1950: Morocco
*1954: Peru, Ecuador
*1956: Peru
*1959/1960: Madagascar, Tasmania, Kenya
*1961: Madagascar, South Africa
*1963: Madagascar, Comoros
*1964: South Africa
*1966: Mexico
*1967: Peru
*1968: South Africa
*1969: Madagascar, Comoros
*1970: Peru, Mexico
*1971: USA
*1973: Ecuador, Galapagos Islands Peru, Brazil
*1974: Mexico
*1975: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Panama
*1976: Peru, Bolivia, Chile
*1977: USA Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama
*1978: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines
*1979: Namibia, South Africa
*1980: Mexico, Peru, Ecuador
*1981: Brazil
*1982: USA , Panama, Dominican Republic
*1983: Ecuador, Peru, Argentina
*1984: Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Panama
*1985: USA, Mexico, Peru
*1986: Brazil
*1994: Madagascar


External links

* http://fcbs.org/articles/WernerRauh.htm

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