RAS or Ras may refer to:

People and titles

*Hans Ras (1926-2003), Dutch philologist
* Rais, Urdu honorific for chieftain
*Registered Accessibility Specialist
*Rundfunk Anstalt Südtirol, a public broadcaster whose purpose is to relay programming from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland to the German-speaking population
* Ras, an honorific used by members of the Rastafari movement
* Ras, an Ethiopian aristocratic and court title, as in Ras Tafari
* Ras, a leader in the Italian fascist movement


* Stari Ras, first capital city of medieval Serbian state of Raska
* Ras Tanura, city in eastern Saudi Arabia

ocieties and groups

*Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, a society to further study into topics relating to science, literature, and the arts in relation to Asia
*IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, IEEE
*Royal Astronomical Society, British society founded in 1802
*Royal Adelaide Show, Australian agricultural show
*Russian Academy of Sciences
*Russian Automobile Society, a member of the FIA

Medical terms

*Ras (protein) implicated in development of cancer
*Renal artery stenosis, anatomical term for the narrowing of the renal artery
*Renin-angiotensin system, hormone system that regulates blood pressure
*Reticular activating system, neurological system in the brain
*RAS, for a recurrent aphthous ulcer
*Rhythmic auditory stimulation
*Retinoic Acid Syndrome

cience and technology

* RAS, for Registration, Admission and Status, a telephony term
* Radio Access Station, Apparutus in a portable internet system (Such as IEEE 802.16e)
* .ras, the native raster format of the SunOS Unix operating system
*Reliability, Availability and Serviceability, properties of information technology systems
*Remote Access Service, combination of hardware and software for remote access to computing systems
*Reusable Asset Specification, OMG Standard for packaging digital artifacts
*Reflection anisotropy spectroscopy, an optical surface analysis tool


*Roundabout Appreciation Society
* RAS, for Replenishment at Sea, a method of Underway replenishment

Fiction and entertainment

*RAS Records, a reggae record label
*Ras, or Ra's, nickname for the fictional Batman villain Ra's al Ghul
*Rescue Aid Society, a fictional society in the 1977 film "The Rescuers"
*Nickname used by the Senior Knight of Inferia, Rassius Luine, from the PS1 game, Tales of Eternia
*Royal Adelaide Show

Other uses

*Rail Adapter System; another name for the Picatinny rail system used for mounting accessories on modern firearms
*RAS syndrome, Redundant Acronym Syndrome
* Rás Tailteann, an annual cycling race in Ireland

ee also

*Ra (disambiguation)
*RAH, disambiguation

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