Johannes Bureus

Johannes Bureus

Johannes Thomae Bureus Agrivillensis (Johan Bure) (1568 – 1652) was a Runic scholar and interested in the Rosicrucian manifestoes. He combined his runic and esoteric interests in his own runic system, which he called the "Adalruna". He was royal librarian and tutor and advisor of King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden.

References In Music

* The CD-R 'Der Mitternacht Löwe' by experimental band Shadowseeds is based on Bureus' life and teachings.
* The 2007 "Gothic Kabbalah" album by Swedish metal band Therion uses Bureus has a concept.
* The name of the British black metal band Adalruna and the theme of their first demo 'Rediviva' is based on Bureus and his rune system.

External links

* [ Article in English] with bibliographical references and more links.
* [ Short article] about the Rune Cross.
* [ Books about Bureus] (in Swedish)

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