- Louis Cazeneuve
imagesize = 150px
caption =
birthname = Luis Cazeneuve
birthdate =August 8 ,1908
location =
deathdate = August 1977
deathplace =
nationality = Naturalized American
(Argentine immigrant)
area = Penciller, Inker
alias = Louis Cazeneuve, Charles Nicholas, Walter Frame
notable works =Aquaman ,Red Raven
awards =Luis "Louis" Cazeneuve (
August 8 ,1908 - August 1977) [ [http://ssdi.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/ssdi.cgi Social Security Death Index, which gives no specific day of death] ] was anArgentine -born Americancomic-book artist best-known for co-creating theMarvel Comics characterRed Raven and for his prolific work on theDC Comics charactersAquaman ,Shining Knight , theBoy Commandos and others during the 1940s period fans and historians call theGolden Age of Comic Books .His brother, Arturo "Arthur" Cazeneuve (1919 - 1992), was also a Golden Age comic-book artist, and became an illustrator and assistant
art director for the overseas edition of "Time" magazine in the 1970s and early 1980s. [ [http://lambiek.net/artists/c/cazeneuve_arturo.htm The Lambiek Comiclopedia: Arturo Cazeneuve] ]Biography
Early life and career
Louis Cazeneuve, in his native
Argentina and under his given name Luis Cazeneuve, drew one of his country's firstadventure comic strips , "Quique, el Niño Pirata" ("Quique, the Pirate Boy"), which appeared both daily and Sunday in thenewspaper "El Mundo", beginning in 1931 [http://lambiek.net/artists/c/cazeneuve_l.htm The Lambiek Comiclopedia: Luis Cazeneuve] ] or 1934 [ [http://top-comics.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!FB4816EFCC8A595E!382.entry "Piratas del Rio de la Plata", by (Carlos R. Martinez] (in Spanish; rough computer translation [http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://top-comics.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!FB4816EFCC8A595E!382.entry&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=4&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522Luis%2BCazeneuve%2522%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG here] ] (accounts differ). Cazeneuve also drew the adventure strips "Aventuras de Caza del Pibe Palito" ("Pibe Palito's Hunting Adventures") and "Aventuras de Dos Argentinos en un País Salvaje" ("Adventures of Two Argentines in a Wild Country") before emigrating to the United States in 1939.He worked briefly at
Eisner & Iger , one of the primary comic-book "packagers" that supplied outsourced comics on demand for publishers at the dawn of the new medium. Shortly thereafter, Cazeneuve, with his artist brother Arthur and Eisner & Iger colleaguePierce Rice , formed a studio that produced freelance art for a number of comics companies. [ [http://www.comicsreporter.com/index.php/resources/longbox/59/ "The Comics Journal" #254: "Obituary: Pierce Rice 1916-2003", reprinted in ComicsReporter.com (June 30, 2003)] ]Cazeneuve's earliest work includes
Fox Feature Syndicate 's 1940 comic strip "Blue Beetle ", succeedingJack Kirby under thehouse name Charles Nicholas . [ [ The Comic Strip Project: A-D (Cached)] ] With writerJoe Simon , editor-in-chief ofMarvel Comics predecessorTimely Comics , he co-created the characterRed Raven — the first Timely/Marvel character to star in his own self-titled series, predating by several months "Captain America Comics " #1 (March 1941).From 1940 to 1942, Cazeneuve contributed to a number of Fox titles, drawing the stories introducing the superheroic characters Samson ("Samson" #1, Fall 1940); the Eagle ("
Weird Comics " #8, Nov. 1940); the Banshee ("Fantastic Comics " #21, Aug. 1941); and U.S. Jones ("Wonderworld Comics " #28, Aug. 1941), as well as the villainous protagonist Nagana, Queen of Evil ("Fantastic Comics" #22, Sept. 1941). Other Fox features for which he either supplied full art or did inking over penciler Pierce Rice, include "Captain Savage, Sea Rover", "Chen Chang" (in "Mystery Men Comics "), "D-13", "The Flame", "The Green Mask" (under thehouse name Walter Frame), and "Marga the Panther Woman".Also during this time he did occasional work for
Centaur Publications (the feature "Man of War"),Fawcett Comics ("Atom Blake"),Holyoke Publications ("Blue Beetle"),Lev Gleason Publications ("Dickie Dean"), andHarvey Comics , ( "Dr. Miracle", "Duke O'Dowd", "Robin Hood ", and, in "Pocket Comics ", "Phantom Sphinx").DC Comics and Aquaman
It was at
National Comics , the futureDC Comics , that Cazeneuve did his most popular and prolific work during the Golden Age of Comics. He began on minor features, including "Bart Regan, Spy", in "Detective Comics " #61-63, 65-66, (March-May, July-Aug. 1942); "Three Aces", in "Action Comics " #47-63 (April 1942 - Aug. 1943); "TNT and Dyna-Mite", in "Star Spangled Comics " #10-23 (July 1942 - Aug. 1943); and "Radio Squad", in "More Fun Comics " #81-82 (July - Aug. 1942).Cazeneuve then began the two features for which he became best known. He succeed creator
Creig Flessel on the modern-dayArthurian feature "Shining Knight ", drawing the feature for nearly three years in "Adventure Comics " #73-101 (April 1942 - Jan. 1945). More prominently, he became the second artist of the enduring characterAquaman , succeeding artist co-creatorPaul Norris to become the longest-running artist of the undersea hero's Golden Age adventures. Cazeneuve debuted on "Aquaman" in "More Fun Comics" #82 (Aug. 1942), and continued with the feature through issue #107 (Feb. 1946), and its subsequent move to "Adventure Comics" #103-117, 119-120, 124 (April 1946 - June 1947, Aug.-Sept. 1947, Jan. 1948).He additionally drew the wartime "kid gang" feature "
Boy Commandos " in "World's Finest Comics " #14-20 (Summer 1944 - Winter 1945/46), and penciled it in #24 (inked by George Klein). He inked two of their stories by co-creator and writer-pencilerJack Kirby in #21 (June 1947), and inkedCurt Swan in #31 (Feb. 1949).Other DC characters on which Cazeneuve worked during the Golden Age include the
Crimson Avenger ,Green Arrow , theSeven Soldiers of Victory , and the Old West gunslinger Vigilante. One generally authoritative source states that Cazeneuve was ghost-artist forJack Kirby on some stories in "Boy Commandos" #6-7 (Spring-Summer 1944). [ [http://www.comics.org/search.lasso?query=Louis+Cazeneuve&type=credit&sort=chrono&Submit=Search Grand Comics Database: Louis Cazeneuve] ] The official Kirby site contradicts this for issue #6; it gives no Kirby credit, however, for the interior art of #7. [ [http://kirbymuseum.org/catalogue/ The Jack Kirby Museum search page] ] Cazeneuve's other mid- to late Golden Age work includedFeature Comics ' "Yank and Doodle", andHarvey Comics ' "Boy Heroes", "Captain Freedom", and "Shock Gibson ".His last known credited DC Comics work is penciling and inking the six-page Aquaman story "The Sea Serpent" in "Adventure Comics" #124 (Jan. 1948). He then worked primarily for
Fawcett Comics , starting with "Whiz Comics " #103 (Nov. 1948). Cazeneuve's last known credited comics work is penciling and inking the seven-page Western feature "Golden Arrow" in "Whiz Comics" #107 (March 1949).Later life
At the time of his death he was living in the
Jackson Heights neighborhood of theNew York City borough of Queens.Footnotes
* [http://www.bailsprojects.com/(S(5ikgtg45fjwqwx55bbzxy1f1))/whoswho.aspx Jerry Bail's Who's Who of American Comic Books 1928-1999]
* [http://www.mikesamazingworld.com/database/creator-details.php?creatorid=411 Mike's Amazing World of DC Comics: The DC Database: Louis Cazeneuve]
* [http://www.comicartville.com/victorfoxpg2.htm Comicartville Library: "The Weird, Wonder(ous) World of Victor Fox's Fantastic Mystery Men", Part II]
* [http://www.comics.org/ Grand Comics Database]
* [http://www.comicbookdb.com/creator_title.php?ID=54&cID=3438&pID=2 The Comic Book Database: Louis Cazeneuve]External links
* [http://www.mykey3000.com/cosmicteams/obscure/t.htm Cosmic Teams: Obscure Characters in the DC Universe: The Three Aces]
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