- Wajig
Wajig is a simplified front end to
Debian 's package management tools includingdpkg and APT. Wajig provides the functionality ofapt-get ,dpkg , dpkg-deb, apt-cache, and other tools, by launching these tools as a subprocess. Wajig also provides extra functionality beyond that of the stock apt and dpkg tools, for example, the command "wajig sizes" provides a listing of all installed packages and the amount of disk space they require, from smallest to largest.The key reason to use wajig is that it provides a consistent and intuitive interface to all packaging commands instead of the eclectic mix of incantations used by apt/dpkg. Under the surface wajig maps commands to the appropriate apt/dpkg commands. wajig nicely brings an
orthogonal or intuitive quality to the user interface.wajig also provides a package install and removal log. This log provides an audit trail that can help an administrator discover the package install that subsequently broke things.
Wajig is written in Python and is licensed under the
GNU General Public License . There is also aGUI version included called gjig that provides buttons for most of the commands.Gjig
Gnome-jig (gjig) provides a
GNOME interface as part of the wajig package. While running gjig, hovering the mouse over the buttons provides a balloon with a clear descriptions of the function the button provides. Gjig provides an extremely fast and easy way to learn wajig commands.External links
* [http://www.togaware.com/linux/survivor/Wajig_Overview.html Wajig Overview]
* [http://packages.debian.org/wajig Debian's wajig package]
* [http://wajig.togaware.com/ JIG (consisting of wajig and gjig)]
* [http://xtronics.com/reference/rpm2apt-dpkg.htm moving from rpm to apt using wajig]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.