Kepler Kessel

Kepler Kessel

Infobox Student Newspaper
colour = #d9d9ff
name = "Kepler Kessel"

caption =
school = Kepler-Gymnasium
slogan =
type = Grade school newspaper
editor =
advisor =
location = Ulm, Germany
foundation = 1946
owner = € 1.00 (DIN A4)
0.50 (DIN A5)
frequency = Annual
price =
circulation = 600
format = DIN A4, DIN A5
awards =
address =
website =

"Kepler Kessel" (or "Kepler Keßel"; also known as the KepKess or KepKeß) is the student newspaper of the school of Kepler-Gymnasium in Ulm, Germany. Started in 1946, it has been published continuously since 1947 every year and is therefore referred to as one of the oldest student newspapers in entire Germany.

The name of "Kepler Kessel" derives from the famous astronomer Johannes Kepler who moved to Ulm in 1627 to finish and publish his famous works later known as the Rudolphine Tables. During his stay in Ulm, he was asked by the city council of Ulm to create a standardized unit for volumes. This unit was called "Kepler Kessel".

Editorial Staff

Currently ten student from fifth to 13th grade are members of the editorial staff. A teacher acts as the consultant and supervisor. Meetings are held every week to discuss current issues and write articles. Each member also works outside these meeting times if required.


"Kepler Kessel" is financed by advertisement fee and selling and sales revenue only. It is therefore independent from the school and the city government. "Keple Kessel" is printed in DIN A4 or A5 size of paper. The A4 format costs 1.00 and A5 usually 50 cents.

External links

* [ Website of the Kepler-Gymnasium in Ulm, Germany]
* [ Kepler-Kessel's report about the school]

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