Lucid 3

Lucid 3

Infobox musical artist 2
Name = Lucid 3

Background = group_or_band
Origin = flagicon|New Zealand Auckland, New Zealand
Instruments =
Genre = Rock, Folk, Blues, Pop, Jazz
Formed = 1999
Years_active = 1999-present
Label = Lupin Music, EMI NZ
URL = []
Current_members = Victoria Girling-Butcher (vocals, guitar, keys) Marcus Lawson (backing vocals, bass, gat, keys) Derek Metivier (drums, loops)
Past_members =
Lucid 3 is a Rock Blues Folk Pop Jazz band from New Zealand.


Victoria Girling-Butcher (songwriter, guitars, keys), Marcus Lawson (six string/bass guitars, keys) Derek Metivier (drums/producer) — joined forces in Auckland in 1999. On a business level the trio maintained an independent spirit and musically they stayed singularly focused on producing quality music.Their debut album Running Down the Keys (produced by Derek Metivier), earned the band an extensive fan-base nationwide. Success was thanks to impressive live shows, word-of-mouth, b-net radio and music videos. Exactly two years later Lucid 3 released All Moments Leading To This, reaching No.2 on the nationwide Independent Music Chart and Heat-seekers chart. In addition, the single AM Radio won Best Indie Video at the fourth annual Juice TV Awards and was voted No.1 single by RipItUp readers in their annual poll.

Theyve slotted in comfortably alongside international acts at WOMAD festivals and supported UB40 and Jimmy Cliff. When Victoria opened a show for James Blunt at his Auckland show recently, he was so impressed he doubled her fee. Lucid 3 has toured New Zealand extensively with the likes of Dave Dobbyn, Goodshirt, and Brooke Fraser.

The recording of Lucid 3's, Dawn Planes, has been a different process. For the first time they used an outside producer, award-winning David Long (The Lord of the Rings, Dave Dobbyn, Fur Patrol) and have worked with major label EMI, freeing them from the burden of business.

The songs on Dawn Planes were written between New Plymouth and Europe, where Victoria has spent time in the last two years.

I did so much touring/travelling around New Zealand and some parts of Europe during the time I was writing the songs on Dawn Planes. The contrasts of the various places are revealed in the diversity of the songs. The title track, 'Dawn Planes', was triggered after I accidentally left my dictaphone in my guitar case and recorded the eerie sound of engines rising as we left Wellington airport at dawn. 'This soldier' is an anthem written after being stranded for some days in China,” she says.

The songs are in keeping with her characteristic writing style, but she has made use of more traditional song-writing tools. Marcus and Dereks rhythm section and contribution to the music put the distinctively Lucid 3 stamp on the tracks. Before the band went into the studio, they worked with Dave Dobbyn who shared his celebrated skills in song arrangement with the trio.


tudio albums


* "Shiver"
* "Fluid"
* "Curious"
* "Paradigm"
* "Smooth Machine"
* "AM Radio"
* "West"
*"Burning On The Sun"

External links

* [ Official Band website]
* [ Amplifier Band Page]
* [ MySpace Band Page]
* [ EMI Artist Page]

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