Phragmipedium kovachii

Phragmipedium kovachii

name = "Phragmipedium kovachii"

regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
ordo = Asparagales
familia = Orchidaceae
subfamilia = Cypripedioideae
genus = Phragmipedium
species = "P. kovachii"
binomial = "Phragmipedium kovachii"
binomial_authority = Atwood, Dalström & Fernandez (2002)

"Phragmipedium kovachii" (heterotypic synonym "Phragmipedium peruvianum") is an orchid species discovered in 2001 in the Amazon jungle of NE Peru, which is considered to be the most important orchid species to be found in the Neotropics in the last 100 years. [John Beckner (Marie Selby Botanical Gardens): This is the most spectacular, the most sensational, the most incredible looking orchid in 100 years or more [] ]

"Phragmipedium kovachii" is a terrestrial orchid, growing in tufts. It has flower size (11-15 cm wide), shape and color (dark pink to royal purple) that are unusual enough to bring many changes to the area of neotropical slipper orchid hybrids.

This orchid has been categorized in the section "Schluckebieria" of the genus "Phragmipedium" . cite journal | author=G.J. Braem| title=Phragmipedium kovachii, Schluckebierianouvelle section du genre Phragmipedium et réflexions sur les pratiques taxinomiques| journal=Richardiana| year=2004| volume=4| issue=3| pages=89102]


In May 2002, James Michael Kovach, of Virginia, planned a travel to Peru with his friend Lee Moore, a man who has traded orchids. On May 26th, 2002, he arrived in "El Progresso", a town in "San Martín" region of Peru. Then a person offered an orchid from the Peruvian jungle, a big colorful Phragmipedium orchid. He bought 3 pots. That night Moore told him "This is your chance. You've got the Holy Grail of orchids".

Kovach arrived in Miami on June 4th, 2002, with 300 orchids and at least one new "Phragmipedium" without classification. He took it to Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota. J.T. Atwood, S. Dalstron and Fernandez published its description in "Selbyana" magazine on June 12th, 2002. Kovach suggested his name for the orchid: "Phragmipedium kovachii".

A few days after the "Selbyana" publication, a description of the species as "Phragmipedium peruvianum" by Eric Christenson, an expert of American Orchid Society was published in the "Orchids" magazine (June 17th, 2002). Eric Christenson says that Kovach knows that name and the one Kovach suggests with his name was a prohibited name. The name "peruvianum" has been considered not to be a good choice for some experts because a similar name has been used before ("Phragmipedium peruviana"), but was not validly published, for a species which was later named "Phragmipedium richteri".

On June 20th, 2002, "Marie Selby Botanical Gardens" was in problems. The Peruvian Government asked for an investigation to the "U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service". Kovach was indicted for importing a protected Peruvian orchid. All species of "Phragmipedium" are protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Fauna and Flora. The Department of Justice indicted Kovach for importing a protected Peruvian orchid on Wednesday, November 19, 2003. Washington DC. [] ] .

On June, 10th, 2004Department of Justice. Virginia orchid dealer pleaded guilty to violating the endangered species act. Thursday, June 10, 2004. Washington DC. [] ] the U.S. District Court in Tampa, Florida, declared that Kovach was guilty of violating the endangered species act [ Craig Pittman: The Case of the Purloined Orchid. How one little flower wreaked heartache and havoc over Selby Gardens] ] . Kovach received two years' probation and a $1,000 fine for transporting the endangered flower from Peru to the United Statescite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors=
title= Michael Kovach received two years' probation and a $1,000 fine for transporting the endangered flower from Peru to the United States
publisher=St. Petersburg Times
date=November 2, 2004
] .

A proposal has been put forward in the journal Taxon 55 of November 2006 to declare the name "Phragmipedium kovachii" invalid and to add its original "ad hoc" publication "Selbyana vol. 23 Supplement" to theopera utique oppressa” (ICBN Appendix VI) (publication to be suppressed). [ [ Proposal to add Selbyana vol. 23 Supplement to the "opera utique oppressa". Proposal to suppress a work] ] Counterarguments have been presented in Taxon 56 (August 2007) cite journal | author=Higgins, Wesley E; Benzing, David H.| title=Response to: Proposal to add Selbyana vol. 23 Supplement to the "opera utique oppressa" by Paul van Rijckevorsel| journal=Taxon| month=August | year=2007| volume=56| issue=3968| url=| pages=968969]



* Christenson, Eric. "Phragmipedium peruvianum, The Most Glorious New Phragmipedium Species in Two Decades is Described", 2002, Orchids 71, no. 7 620-22
* [ Selbyana 23 Supplement: 1 with the official publication]
*Damian, M. L., Williams, N. H., and Whitten, W. M. 2005. "Phragmipedium kovachii: molecular systematics of a New World orchid". Orchids 74(2): 132-137.
* [ Description in Orchidmania]

*cite journal | author=PJ Cribb| title=Plant portraits: 511. Phragmipedium kovachii. Orchidaceae| journal=Curtis's Botanical Magazine | year=2005| volume=22| issue=1| pages=811 | doi=10.1111/j.1355-4905.2005.00454.x

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