

Infobox musical artist
Name = Paraziţii

Img_capt =
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Background = group_or_band
Alias =
Origin = Romania
Genre = Hip-Hop
Years_active = 1994present
Label =
Associated_acts =
Current_members = Cheloo, Ombladon, FreakaDaDisk
Past_members =
Notable_instruments =

Paraziţii (Romanian for "The Parasites", IPA2|pa.ra.'zi.tsiː) is a Romanian three-man rap group founded in 1994. It consists of Cheloo (Cătălin Ştefan Ion), Ombladon (Bogdan Ionuţ Pastaca), and FreakaDaDisk (Petre Urda).

Known for songs like "Bad Joke" and "Playback", the group was subject to restrictions by the National Audiovisual Council, due to heavy language. Television and radio stations were fined for playing some of their videos/songs and two videos were banned outright. This motivated their song "Jos cenzura!" ("Down with Censorship!") which criticized the Social Democratic government and was released shortly before the local elections in June 2004.

Ombladon, member of the group, won the Best Romanian Act Award at the MTV Europe Music Awards in 2004 with the song "Egali din naştere" (Born Equal).

Recently, they established their own label, 20CM Records, and started producing other artists. The first one is the band Anonim, whose start is promising.

The first recorded track, "În jur" ("Around" - a homophonic pun on "Înjur" - I curse), dated September 13, 1994, represented Paraziţii's breakthrough. At the "Nici o problemă" (No Problem) album release concert, a big fight started due to the La Familia-R.A.C.L.A. musical war.

Paraziţii first performed out of Romania in 2000 by participating at the "Summer Hits" festival in Chişinău, along with the groups BUG Mafia and Zdob şi Zdub.

In 2002 and 2003 the group performed in tours in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands. Due to the September 11, 2001 attacks, the group lost the opportunity to perform in a Canada-USA tour. The most important event remains the act at the Wuppertal Rap-Attack festival (2004) when Paraziţii were the only group to perform before the well known rap/hip-hop artist Grandmaster Flash.

Paraziţii are/were part of major campaigns like "Playback" / "Shoot Yourself" (2001), in which they took a firm position against lip synching, or "Instigare la cultură" (Instigation To Culture) (2004) against ignorance among Romania's youth.

Paraziţii tracks were featured on movie soundtracks like "Nordrand" (Austria), "Visul lui Liviu" (Liviu's Dream), "Milionari de weekend" (Weekend Millionaires) or "Marfa şi banii" (The Goods And The Money).


*1995 - "Poezii pentru pereţi" (Poetry For The Walls)
*1996 - "Nimic normal" (Nothing Normal)
*1997 - "Suta" (The Hundred)
*1999 - "Nici o problemă" (No Problem)
*2000 - "Iartă-" (Forgive Me)
*2001 - "Categoria grea" (Heavyweight)
*2001 - "Împuşcă-te" (Shoot Yourself) (single)
*2002 - "În focuri" (In Flames)(single)
*2002 - "Irefutabil" (Irrefutable)
*2004 - "Jos cenzura" (Down with Censorship)(single)
*2004 - "Best of...primii 10 ani" (Best of... The First 10 Years)(2 CD compilation)
*2005 - "Violent" (Violent) (single)
*2005 - "Confort 3" (Comfort 3)
*2007 - "Slalom printre Cretini" (Slalom between morons)

Cheloo and Ombladon also released solo albums:
*2003 - "Sindromul Tourette" (The Tourette Syndrome) released by Cheloo
*2004 - "Condoleanţe" (Condolences) released by Ombladon
*2006 - "Fabricant de gunoi" (Garbage Manufacturer) released by Cheloo
*2007 - "Cel mai prost din curtea scolii" (The dumbest in the school yard) released by Ombladon

External links

* [ 20CM Records]
* [ Neoficial site]

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