

name = "Sazavis"
fossil_range = Late Cretaceous
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
subclassis = Enantiornithes
superordo = Euenantiornithes
ordo = Alexornithiformes (disputed)
familia = Alexornithidae (disputed)
genus = "Sazavis"
genus_authority = NessovVerify source|date=August 2007 , 1989
species = "S. prisca"
binomial = "Sazavis prisca"
binomial_authority = NessovVerify source|date=August 2007 , 1989

"Sazavis" was an enantiornithine bird from the Late Cretaceous. It might have been related to "Alexornis" and "Kizylkumavis" and lived in what is now the Kyzyl Kum of Uzbekistan.

There is a single species known to date, "Sazavis prisca". It is only known from a single piece of tibiotarsus.

The bone has been found in the Bissekty Formation. The bird was approximately some 18.5 cm (c.7 in) long in life, excluding the tail [] .

External links

* The Dinosauricon: [ Birds of the Bissekty Formation] . Drawings by Michael Mortimer. "Sazavis" is the bone in the center right, of which the lower third is preserved. Retrieved 2007-AUG-22.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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