- G2G (TV series)
"G2G: Got to Go", is an animated television series co-produced by Moody Street Kids (Australia) and
March Entertainment (Canada). The series focuses on the life of a preteen girl, Maddison Marples-Macintosh, who assumes the role of an online advice columnist on her school's website. The original series is set to run for 26 half-hour episodes, and will be broadcast onNine Network in Australia premiering Saturday, August 16th 2008 at 8:10 AM.The show typically begins with Maddison receiving an e-mail on her PDA about the troubles of anonymous students in her school and her trying to give that person advice, while ironically facing a problem nearly identical to the one described in the e-mail, which often ends up giving her the answer she needs to help the troubled sender.
G2G features mostly teenage or preteen characters, with the appearance of teachers and parents on occasion, in a fictional North American junior high school.
Maddison Marples-Macintosh (Esther Maloney) is the main character on the show, and one of the youngest, being only around 12 years old. She's a very typical preteen girl, full of giggles and gossip. She is still socially shy, yet confident in her own abilities. The full extension of her indefatigable sense of character is brought out in her duties as the "Online Oracle" of her school. Maddie is best friends with Saffron and Rainbow, whom she usually turns to for advice, sometimes even about other peoples' problems. Maddie also as an undying crush on Ace, the dream date of every girl at her school. Her confidence and intelligence usually turns to babbling nonsense around Ace, and makes even talking to him difficult.
Saffron Parker (Pina Crispo) is Maddison's best friend. She's one year older than Maddie, and thus considers herself much more mature and worldly. She's the kind of girl all the guys go for: blonde, beautiful, and highly
fashion able. She loves to be noticed wherever she goes, and what attention she doesn't get from others, she gets from her two best friends Maddie and Rainbow. Saffron's brother, Stinky, is always looking for a way to pull a prank on Saffron, which she can usually foil, or at least get him caught in as well.Rainbow (Ann Pirvu) is 12 years old, the third piece of the Maddie-Saffron puzzle. Often found stargazing and meditating, Rainbow is a very spiritual girl, often concerned more with the the alignment of her chakras than the algebra due next period. Always a very clear thinker, Rainbow provides insight that the others never see, or believe! Her depth is only outshone by her eccentricity, often showing up for the wrong classes on time, and the right ones late. She hands in phenomenally written poems and essays, but often fails because they're on the wrong topic. Rainbow learns more from her mother than she does from school, taking time each day to analyze auras and balance the flow of positive chi in the classroom with
Feng Shui .L33t (CJ Sharpe) is the school techno-geek, and extremely proud of it. His technical know-how is often how he gets attention from those who would usually overlook him. His parents put him in school early, which he found almost too easy, and was soon bumped up a grade. Now he's the youngest kid in school and at the bottom of the school hierarchy because of it. But because he belongs to none of the cliques in school, he can easily slip between groups, making him very well connected for an 11 3/4 year-old.
Ace (Jack Troughton) Ace De Silva is the picture of boyhood beauty, which is a really good thing, because brainy he is not. Ace plays bass guitar and sings in the band 'Fever Meter' alongside Stinky, and their pals Mitch Michenbury and Barry Ryan. Ace is a huge soccer fan and if he isn't at band practice, he's usually out on the field. Ace is known for his shiny white smile, his smooth, sultry voice, and having his headphones basically attached to his head. Ace is a strong, charismatic man of very few words, and coveted by every girl in the school, but none more than Maddie. Her long, heartfelt, romantic talks with Ace, imaginary though they may be, are more than proof for her that they're destined to be with each other.
Stinky (Justin Richardson) is Saffron's pain in the butt twin brother, and never referred to by his real name, Samuel, by anyone, including himself. He's an average teenage boy, hopelessly lost when it comes to
hygiene and high class. Stinky has few endearing traits, but is known and loved for one thing. He's very protective of his sister and her friends, and makes sure that no one causes them any trouble...except for him! He and Ace are the resident soccer geniuses and often found together, so Maddie puts up with him for the sake of Ace. Stinky is the drummer for the band Fever Meeter, and regardless of his unpopularity, their band is the biggest thing in school.Mandii and Mac (Lesley Livingston and Bob Oniskyw) are Maddie's loving parents. Mandii is the host of entertainment news show CelebriTV, and often out of the house filming and interviewing. Mac is a
correspondent for a big news network and always off discovering ancient civilizations or nesting with polar bears for better insight on their habits; anything far away and fairly dangerous. Maddie sees her mom far more than she does her dad, who is on assignment 200 or more days a year and only able to talk viawebcam . Mandii and Mac act as excellent role models for Maddie, even if it's only on screen. Mandii is always a source of gossip, and as popular with Maddie's friends as Maddie is.Amelia is Maddie's dog. Amelia Earhart (her name revealing Maddie's admiration for passionate, powerful women) is always an open ear for Maddie. Because of a
thyroid problem, Amelia is overweight, and on a constant dog-diet that she never sticks to. She even has her own miniature treadmill, which she uses to expand her dust collection. Amelia is as fashion-savvy as any teenage girl, spending most of her time flipping through fashion magazines when Maddie isn't around.External links
* [http://www.marchentertainment.com/g2g/ G2G Official Website]
* [http://www.moodystreetkids.com.au/ Moody Street Kids Website]
* [http://channelnine.ninemsn.com.au/ Nine Network Website]
* [http://www.marchentertainment.com/website/index.html March Entertainment Website]
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