Joris Hoefnagel

Joris Hoefnagel

Joris Hoefnagel or Georg Hoefnagel (Antwerp, 1542 - Vienna, July 24 1601) was a Flemish painter and engraver, the son of a diamond merchant.

He travelled abroad, making drawings from archaeological subjects, and was a pupil of Jan Bol at Mechlin. He was afterwards patronized by the elector of Bavaria at Munich, where he stayed eight years, and by the Emperor Rudolph at Prague. He died at Vienna in 1601.

He is famous for his miniature work, especially on a missal in the imperial library at Vienna; he painted animals and plants to illustrate works on natural history; and his engravings (especially for Braun's "Civitates orbis terrarum", 1572, and Ortelius's "Theatrum orbis terrarum", 1570) give him an interesting place among early topographical draftsmen.

During his travels to England, c. 1569-71, he painted his only known large-scale panel painting, a panorama of English society in the Elizabethan era called variously "A Fête at Bermondsey", "A Marriage Feast at Bermondsey", or "A Wedding at Bermondsey". [Hearn, p. 112-113] [Strong 1969, p. 147-149]

ee also

*Artists of the Tudor court



*Hearn, Karen, ed. "Dynasties: Painting in Tudor and Jacobean England 1530-1630." New York: Rizzoli, 1995. ISBN 0-8478-1940-X.
*Strong, Roy,"The English Icon: Elizabethan and Jacobean Portraiture", 1969, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London (Strong 1969)

NAME=Hoefnagel, Georg
ALTERNATIVE NAMES=Hufnagel, Georg; Hufnagel, Joris; Hufnagel, Jirí; Hofnagel, Jirí; Hoefnaghel, George; Hofnagel, George; Hoefnaghel, Joris; Hufnagel, George; Hoefnagels, Georg
SHORT DESCRIPTION=flemish painter
DATE OF DEATH=July 24 1601

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