Human figure (aesthetics)

Human figure (aesthetics)

In aesthetics, human figure or human form is collection of all attributes of the human's body. It is not just confined to body shape. It also includes body postures while a human sits or stands or even sleeps. Movements of walking, running, dancing etc. come under human figure. In section 17 Kant refers the human figure as the ideal of beauty [ [] ] . The human figure conforms very well to the law that states that form follows function, which is a result of evolution over thousands of generations.


Human figure is studied in detail in following subjects:
* Sculpture [Human figure in various art forms [] ] is similar to figure drawing.
* Figure drawing deals with depiction of body in different posture or motion or work.
* Literature describes a human figure to imply individual's sexual attraction, physical ability and mentality.
* Dance forms.
* Body language
* Fashion and accessories.
* Ergonomics in passenger vehicles and seatings, this deals with unisex approach to human figure.
* Gait analysis
* 3D animation

Very few of art forms are not related to human figure such as music, though it figures in lyrics.

Body proportions

"Body proportions" are the study of relation of human body, or in general, animal body, parts to each other and the whole, essential for depiction of the overall figure.

Sculpture and figure drawing

"Figure drawing" is an exercise in drawing the human body in its various shapes and positions. Life drawing refers to the process of drawing the human figure from observation of a live model. In sculpture, human figure is generally shown nude.

See also

*Human body shape and Body proportions
*Figure drawing
*Female body shape



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