Kerstin Ekman

Kerstin Ekman

Kerstin Lillemor Ekman (born August 27 1933 in Risinge) is a Swedish novelist.

Kerstin Ekman wrote a string of successful detective novels (among others "De tre små mästarna" and "Dödsklockan") but later went on to psychological and social themes. Among her later works is "Mörker och blåbärsris" (1972) (set in northern Sweden) and "Händelser vid vatten" (1993), in which she returned to the form of the detective novel.

Elected a member of the Swedish Academy in 1978, she left the Academy in 1989, together with Lars Gyllensten and Werner Aspenström, due to the debate following death threats posed to Salman Rushdie. According to the rules of the Academy, however, she will remain a passive member for the entirety of her life.

Partial Bibliography

See the article on the sv icon Wikipedia for a complete bibliography.

* "Blackwater" ("Händelser vid vatten", 1993), translated by Joan Tate, 1996
* "Under the Snow" ("De tre små mästarna", 1961), translated by Joan Tate, 1997
* "The Forest of Hours" ("Rövarna i Skuleskogen", 1988), translated 1998

The Women and the Town ("Kvinnorna och staden") Tetralogy

* "Witches' Rings" ("Häxringarna", 1974), translated by Linda Schenck, 1997
* "The Spring" ("Springkällan", 1976), translated by Linda Schenck, 1999
* "Angel House" ("Änglahuset", 1979), translated by Sarah G. Death, 2002
* "A City of Light" ("En stad av ljus", 1983), translated by Linda Schenck, 2003

The Wolfskin ("Vargskinnet") Trilogy

* "God's Mercy" ("Guds Barmhärtighet", 1999)
* "The Last String" ("Sista rompan", 2002)
* "Lottery Scratchcards" ("Skraplotter", 2003)

NAME = Ekman, Kerstin
SHORT DESCRIPTION = Swedish writer, member of the Swedish Academy
DATE OF BIRTH = August 27, 1933
PLACE OF BIRTH = Risinge, Östergötland, Sweden
DATE OF DEATH = living

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  • Kerstin Ekman — Activités romancière Naissance 27 août 1933 (1933 08 27) (78 ans) Risinge, Östergötland, Suède Langue d écriture suédois Genres roman …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Ekman — Ekman,   1) Kerstin, schwedische Schriftstellerin, * Risinge (Verwaltungsbezirk Södermanland) 27. 8. 1933; schrieb zunächst Kriminalromane, die sich durch ihre Erzähltechnik und psychologische Personenschilderung auszeichnen. Ekman hatte in den… …   Universal-Lexikon

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